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  1. Hock

    carb question on drain screw

    They are cheap stock tyres
  2. Hock

    carb question on drain screw

    I weigh 68kg so ill run em around 28. Gonna be using em on a farm ( not sandy track)
  3. Hock

    carb question on drain screw

    What tyre pressure u recomend running tyres at mate? Wheels say max 40 but that seems a bit high
  4. Hock

    carb question on drain screw

    is it normal for the drain screw to be extremely tight? nearly stripped it...gonna replace it with higher quality
  5. Hock

    carb question on drain screw

    hmm i dunno thats what it says on the dhz website. it says "Mikuni 30mm Racing Carburetor"
  6. Hock

    carb question on drain screw

    hey guys, i attached a picture. is this my drain screw for the carb? i got a mikuni 30mm stock carb that comes on dhz dpro 160? thanks heaps!
  7. Hock

    engine oil from exhaust valve

    cheers will try again tomorrow
  8. Hock

    engine oil from exhaust valve

    hmm not really (im new). i got the T on my flywheel lined up with the knotch on the engine and the cam timing is correct. when im rotating the flywheel left and right the valves are not moving. if i turn the flywheel 360 degrees then twist it, the valves move up and down with the twist...
  9. Hock

    engine oil from exhaust valve

    ahh sweet. also when doing valve clearences. is tdc when you turn the flywheel and the valves do not move up and down. or is tdc when you are twisting the flywheel back and forth and the valves are moving up and down. i set my valves when the valves are not moving up and down with the flywheel?
  10. Hock

    engine oil from exhaust valve

    stock motor for dhz dpo 160, might be a 155z? just the stock one. and na sorry no pics but a little bit of oil, not heaps life enough to fill half the exhaust cover thingo
  11. Hock

    engine oil from exhaust valve

    hey, when taking the exhaust valve cover off, is it normal for quite alot of oil to be sitting in the valve cover? thanks heaps!
  12. Hock

    Clutch doesnt engage

    Dont need to i can just put it in neutral but i thought u would be able to
  13. Hock

    Clutch doesnt engage

    no its cold but i thought this would work even when its cold
  14. Hock

    Clutch doesnt engage

    Hello all, I got a DHZ Dpro 160 and when i put the bike in gear and hold in the clutch i cannot wheel the bike around? I think this is because i need to adjust the clutch down near the engine? Would appreciate some help! Thanks!
  15. Hock

    Atomik Nitrous vs DHZ

    DHZ have a lot more power and better quality parts
  16. Hock

    gopro footage crf50

    nice mate. could you have set it to a higher quality?
  17. Hock

    Nicks Dpro 160

    They good levers? Yeah done valves but will do again later
  18. Hock

    Nicks Dpro 160

    where you buy those levers mate? got the bike myself. Its a rocket! do you find that adding the oko 26mm makes it easier to start? mines a real bugger to start at the moment
  19. Hock

    Few Questions Regarding Air Filter and General Maintainence

    i had the same problem with my unifilter. get a rag or cloth and wipe the lip of the unifilter so it doesnt have any of that oilly stuff on it. make sure you push it onto the carby far enough and point the filter down so water doesnt get into the carby through it
  20. Hock

    2012 AMA Supercross has started!

    Thanks mate! Yeah got it on series link so I won't miss a race. Do you happen to know when the lites are racing?