
Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. xLOCOx

    Loco's Ciniworx cxf build....

    Hey guys and girls... I would like to say a massive thanks to coolmoddee for bringing the bike up!!!! Now... To inspect this rig...... I've already take the old chain off.. And the old kill switch.. Here's the new kill switch... Its a billet RHK one...
  2. rotn50

    155z v2 hi comp piston failure

    Sold my old 155z v2 headed motor and lasted all of 10 mins apparently, I was told by someone there when he installed it that he used any old filthy oil out of the drained oil drum and when it went bang at top end around 12000 rpm she grenaded, not the worst ive seen but none the less it caused...