
Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. S

    Lei Moto XK90cc

    I have a lei moto xk 90cc and can't select neutral is there a adjustment for them.
  2. McDo

    Few Questions

    Hey MiniRiders, since i'm new to pit bikes, i'd just like to ask a few questions; Which bikes are Chinese? Which bikes are Japanese? Where are PitsterPro's and DHZ's made? Obviously, just the popular brands (don't need to tell what you they are) Any help would be appreciated, thanks...
  3. A

    LEI XR125cc Chinese Pit Bike

    Hey guys, i'm new to the forums here, just bought an LEI XR125cc chinese pit bike off ebay for only $350 + shipping brand new! I haven't seen many forums on these bikes so I just thought i would start one since they have sold thouasnds of them. It arrived from Melbourne to Adelaide in just a day...