155z clutch slippage

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hey guys had some pretty severe clutch slippage on Saturday, enough to almost completely neutralise the bike and put me out of race 3 :(

This is almost certainly my fault for using synthetic oil, although the bike has nearly 24 hrs on it and it's the first time this has happened. Also when my bike came back from the shop the mechanic said I had a washer in the wrong place and he fixed it but in doing that my clutch went from an almost on/off setup to a full lever type. I much prefer the on off type....

Anyways my question is: Is it as simple as just changing back to some non synthetic oil, or is this a removal of the clutch and clean it deal?

I finally got a chance to clean it this arv and gave it a quick run around the yard. It changed gears and actually ran ok but the clutch felt really foreign.
How much free play have you got at the lever before you have resistance ?
If ridden with slippage it could have cooked the plates, therefor warping them and making them button type :p

I think the anti friction modifiers would dilute enough after running with some normal motorcycle oil soon enough.
How much free play have you got at the lever before you have resistance ?

Just a couple of mm mate, got told once it was a good idea to leave a few.

If ridden with slippage it could have cooked the plates, therefor warping them and making them button type :p

I think the anti friction modifiers would dilute enough after running with some normal motorcycle oil soon enough.

Lol I rode almost a full lap like it so I didn't get a dnf! I reckon I would of cooked the **** out of it! Haha

Guess I'll have to pull it out on the weekend and have a look?
yeah if you check the play at the arm on the top of the clutch cover, use your hand and try pushing it forward.
make sure it can move at least 3mm forward before it gets hard

i'm guessing the synthetic oil you used said it's ok for wet clutchs ?
it shouldn't take much to dissipate into the new oil.
start iot up and pull the clutch in and let it go for a few minutes, it could come good and not need to be pulled apart.
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I checked it last night n there is F all if any play! :(

It was weird because I barely changed gears? Only once per lap on the straight! Not sure if the oil is ok for wet clutches, its Silkilene oil.

But it does feel crap now, I much preferred the on off style like it was before! And it's also a really heavy clutch too? Is this just a Daytona thing? Cause Brendo's is damn heavy too. Probably even more so than mine?
Best to stop it happening again is to replace 2 of the springs with HD ones.

Will get good feel on the lever then and by by slippage.

If you need a clutch nut tool I can lend you mine and just post it back. SO much easier.
Yeah thanks dude I've just been using my impact screw driver to tighten n loosen the castle nut!

I'll pull it apart this weekend n post some pics. Hopefully my clutch isn't fried!
my 3x Daytona clutches are all pretty light in the 190, 155ho and 150,
maybe your springs have lost some tension ?

i reckon the synthetic oil should be ok ?

it still might be ok with a adjustment on the cable ?
Replace the clutch pack I reckon. Get some TB springs while your at it. I run all 4 in mine, still fairly light
the slippage might be a stuffed clutch basket the little gear in the back of the basket could be slipping up

but as phil said replace the clutch plates most people dont the clutch used to fail before the plates went but they do cook now the baskets are getting better
Ok so after a closer inspection it looks to my like it was the springs all along. So rep points to everyone that seen that coming! :)

I took some pics to see if you guys pic up something I might of missed

So just some Tb HD springs or do these plates look like they could use a changing too?
the clutch plates still look good.
i'm not sure if it's the picture or not, but are the splines in the back of the basket all good, or are they starting to wear?
i can see some witness marks where the alloy of the basket behind the big gear has touched the outside gear (wider) on the crank
how much play is there between the clutch basket and smaller gear that is still on the gearbox shaft ?

h/d springs should give it a longer life.
next time the clutch plays up it might be time for a complete clutch, and just put your h/d springs in
I'm not entirely sure where you mean mate? I tried to take some closer pics to see if you can find any other markings.

Any one got any links to some tb HD springs? I'd prefer to buy from Classic honda, I did try looking but I struggle with that site.

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see the little marks in betweeen the gears on the alloy basket in this pic, from about 9 o'clock to 10.30 ?
the basket is only just starting to show some signs of wear. you should get another season out of it .


H/D clutch springs, doesn't say suit's 6 plate but on the TB site it does- Classic Honda 50's Australia - TB Billet Clutch or Stock Clutch - HD Springs - YX-Jailing-Lifan [TBW0538]
are the clutch plates all sitting forward in the basket ?
nah, loosen the 4x 10mm headed bolts and wiggle the clutch hub around, check it is sitting out towards the outside of the basket (towards the pusher plate)

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