Atomik Reign Bigfoot 140cc Review

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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I bought this bike from ebay picked it up $680 +delivery, from winning the auction till i had the bike in my hands 5 days
The quality on this bike is amazing nearly 3 years ago i bought a atomik avenger 125cc, then last year bought a Prox250, now this one, they quality has come a long long way since the first bike
Putting this bike together was easier than the other 2, brakes are fitted, just atach the handle bars, front wheel and rear shock, i am glad the tripple linkage is gone and its straight on the swing arm
It looks like a pitpro, this bike has soft grips, a push button kill switch, twin foam air filter, good solid plastic's, super high strength SDG Frame, a one piece swing arm, and decent usd front forks that dont bottom out like the prox250, only thing that might let this bike down is the brake pedal arm, its better than the first bike, but not as good as the prox, i would prefer the front sproket be covered but i can get a cover for that
Now the pulling power, bloody awsome, bike lifts in 1st, 2nd & 3rd without trying to much, just shift the weight back a little, 30mm mikuni carby does the job, The gearing seems pretty damn good, a bigger tank would of been better, these 3ltr tanks are too small.
All in all one of the best china bikes around.

150cc Bigfoots are available too, but are going from $200+ more

Here is a link to one
NEW 2008 REIGN BIGFOOT 140cc DIRT BIKE MOTOR THUMPSTAR - eBay Other Trail Bikes, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 21-Jul-08 14:15:00 AEST)
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ive had a avenger an ax 125 and an rs not one bike has had an issue(besides plastics) but theyre good for a cheap china bike dude the only 3 bikes on ebay to buy r pitpro dhz and atomik these days nice buy btw
I won an auction last week for the 150cc version. Cant wait to recieve it. I already have a Pitpro RS 125, and i love it, never had any issues with it other than general wear and tear. I dont get why people say they are crap cheap china **** etc, my first was **** but i bought it second hand and it was not looked after at all. My RS i used heaps of lock tight and ive never had one loose bolt on it for 8 months now. My mates have all agread, bugger buying "real" bike (yama, kawa, ktm etc) when you could buy one of these for the price of a service and set of tyres on a real bike.
hey there guys just wondering how bikes go out in the bush with the front suspension and the bigger wheel? does it bottom out on the bash plate or the motor? im thinkin of buyin the 150cc bigfoot :)
No the wheel doesnt hit the bash plate, and the front forks are pretty beefy not like my prox250
I am not sure about these bikes now. After 20 minutes riding my motor has shat itself. Was stuck down the bottom of a very steep hill, went over slight bump and the motor shut off. Managed to kick start it, it will run for 1 secdond then die again, now that i am back home i cant get running at all. Gonna send it back and get it fixed or something not happy at all.

Have always been dodgey on atomiks after my first bike. This just reassures me that they are ****.
Good to hear that you like it mate, for the money they are the best bigfoot out. Really worth the money i recon. Keep us updated of how it goes when its all run in etc.
Shittest pitbike ever in my opinion. Mine lasted all of three months before both from and rear shocks shat themselves, i never did get the engine running right even after the atomik mechanic did all he could. I ended up putting the 125 out of my Pitpro in it till it just became too unrideable... I am buying a TDR Torque 125 after about a year of not having any bikes at all (sold all my toys to buy a house), and don't expect it to last long but i'm just gonna putt around on it and take my dog for runs.... Anyway, if i was to buy another pittie for racing through the bush it's going to be another Pitpro.
pitpro 125rr is the exact same thing as a nitrous 125 just a different pricetag :rolleyes:
Very similar yes. But not exactly the same. My mate got the Pitpro BigFoot about a week before i got mine and it seemed to have been put together better and had a different engine.

My main gripe was with the after sales service when i claimed a warranty. How can they be "too busy" to fix my bike for 6 weeks?
Just a quick question for fellow owners... I took my bike for its first ride today for 15-20mins and was not sure whether choke leaver should be up or down... also did you have do to anything to get it running right... it seemed to go ok after making a slight adjustment to the idle screw but i guess i'll see how it goes after I've finished running it in..
i just bought one of these, yx model, picked it up for $575, ill let ya know how it goes, had an atomik before and that thing refused to die, hope this one is just as good!
just took it for a spin, unwrapped it, put it together and she started on the 4th kick. this bike is ****in sweet!

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