cr 80, pit pro 160xr. Help!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2009
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Central victoria
Ok. I have posted a few threads about different bikes and witch ones are best, and i have decided on the bikes I would like to get. . 1 would be my mates 1997 cr80 $2000 for it , do you think that is a ok price. I would be doing a lot of jumping a long rides also I really like the handling of two strokes. Any way No2 option would be a pit pro 160xr maybe. It would just be for a bit of fun riding with mates, I would profer a 125cc 2 banga but don't have the coin.:( So I would spend around $2300 max I am leaning toward the cr because 2 stroke, relible,and wouldn't get sick of it in a month and just a great little bike, also would be my first bike

I would like to know if you think $2000 is to much for a 1997 cr 80 that has been raced. ANd yes it would be my first bike. Also how much horse power comperd to the pp 160xr. And top speed?
Thanks cam

P.S sorry I don't really think the post fit at mini riders but you guys seem to know what your on about>:D
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Def go the CR. No pitike stock will come close to the power and reliability of it. $2000 is a bit much. $1500- you should try and get it for.

Ask Q's like:
-When was the last service
-When was the last oil change ect ect.

Have you looked on eBay for second hand 2strokes?
NOO way not a 97, i just upgraded to a 250f from my kx 85cc 05 MODEL!!!! and my 85cc is perfect nick never raced goes way hard and it for sale for $2400, yess iv also had a cr 80 97 there good bike i brought it for 1700 about 3yrs ago, witch than i traded for the 85 witch i had for about 1yr than traded for the 250f, traded i meaning upgraded, bottem line... 97 cr 80 is NOT work 2k,
how old are you?
15 years. I just cant find many good bike in Bendigo vic, I told my m8 2k is to much for a 1997 cr80 and he said , its your first bike . I just said i'll think about it . I found some good bike but too far away, i have known my m8 for a while and he only ever took it ok racing on sundays thats about all. And ebay dont have any thing close to what kind of bike i would like? :confused:
The link is a bike i found on bike point, i would buy it but too far away

just remember that a 97 model is 12yrs old. so in those 12yrs how many times has it been rebuilt? if none then im guessing its due for a major rebuild very soon.
just remember 2 strokes tend to wear things out quicker...
2g is a little bit on the dear side i recon specially if its standard with no mods....

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The link that your providing isn't working. The link I provded was just there for refernce so you know that your getting ripped, doesn't mean you have to buy the bike in the link. Either way don't buy his bike unless he drops the price down.

Could get a bike carier?
yer man im 16 and ride a 250f, dont even bother buying a 80!! to small really, I know it will be your first bike.... still you will get sick of it, and try stay away from 90's, save up that little bit more get something you will like and thats gunna last like a 01 ect.
trust me ''i cant find many good bikes'' wait be patient there will be something, my advise.... while your waiting for a good bike to come along save your coin, so when a good one like a 02 125 or something comes along you got the money to pay cash, you will be better of in the long run, the 97 its been race prob floged it as i did with my 80 and 85 cause it was to small you goin to be up for new piston rings ect down the track therefore spending money on a bike thats prob to small and its gunna be forked, when you should have waited another couple weeks and got someting good. that you will enjoy and not have to worry about getting stuck out in the padock cause your bike is poooped, lol.

well thats just what i think anyway, I waited like 8 weeks looking for my 250 searched the net got the marked value on the make and model i wanted so i new i wasn't getting ripped of, one morning with dad saw the bike new the model was good price asked the usually questions like the internals of the motor ect, was good i liked it soo i brought it, were as i could have prob brought some heap of crap in the mean time, im glad i brought the bike i did and im VERRY happy with it and what i payed for it.
good luck hope i have helped
haha, link don't work for me either. Haha , how slilly of me, I got the rong idea. Ok i will have a talk to him and see if he will give me the right price:) but other wise I shall keep looking foe one. I'll cheak out the rm, cr,yz 125s then ,
thanks for your help so far

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here ya go... 5 minutes searchin... some wont be in your area but there are plenty of bikes to choose from...
even if you use these as price indicators..

YAMAHA YZ 85 2004 - eBay Yamaha, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 25-Oct-09 18:02:36 AEDST)
Yamaha YZ 85cc Big Wheel - eBay Yamaha, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 03-Nov-09 13:21:35 AEDST)
2005 MODEL YAMAHA YZ 85 - eBay Yamaha, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 25-Oct-09 22:05:23 AEDST)
Yamaha YZ 85 big wheel 2005 - eBay Yamaha, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 31-Oct-09 16:54:05 AEDST)
YAMAHA YZ 85 BIGWHEEL - eBay Yamaha, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 31-Oct-09 20:54:50 AEDST)
HONDA 07 CR85 B W * CR 85 BIG WHEEL 2007 * mini bike A1 - eBay Honda, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 26-Oct-09 21:00:33 AEDST)
HONDA CR 80 1999 MDL FRESH TOP END REBUILD - eBay Honda, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 31-Oct-09 21:42:10 AEDST)
2001 KX 80 - eBay Kawasaki, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 26-Oct-09 17:04:10 AEDST)
kawasaki kx 80 2000 mod - eBay Kawasaki, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 24-Oct-09 22:08:15 AEDST)
Kawasaki KX 100 - eBay Kawasaki, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 17-Nov-09 16:26:23 AEDST)
kx 80 - eBay Kawasaki, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 27-Oct-09 09:29:03 AEDST)
kx 80 - eBay Kawasaki, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 29-Oct-09 21:42:54 AEDST)
2006 kawasaki kx 85 - eBay Kawasaki, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 29-Oct-09 22:22:07 AEDST)
RM 80 2001 SUZUKI - eBay Other Trail Bikes, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 27-Oct-09 19:30:44 AEDST)
2007 Honda CRF 150R - eBay Honda, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 29-Oct-09 20:46:48 AEDST)
HONDA CRF150R CRF 150R 2009 - eBay Honda, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 02-Nov-09 17:59:23 AEDST)
s**t, 5 mins. I search 2 stroke whith in 200km of my post code and i get 7 bikes. wtf? What do you type in, Ebay lerner here.
just type in cr or kx or rm or yz or crf.... too many search words kills the search because people cant spell and sht
2000 is to much for a 97 cr80 anyway i sold my 2004 cr85 bw for 2500 with top and bottom rebuild just done to it.
i'll just have to look around. or get the bike for much less. But do you still think the 1997 cr 80 would be better than the pit pro 160 any day?
1997 cr80 will most likely need a rebuild, IF you buy one make sure the seller has receipts for the most recent rebuild, if he doesn't forget it just walk away
I got a Cr125 2003 model i will let go for 3200. i know its a bit outta your price but i thought i would let you know.
Maybe it could be frieghted to you?

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