Well-Known Member
hey guys im new to miniriders and just wanted to know if these monster energy graphics will fit the DHZ DPRO 125 i'm not sure if theres sizes or shapes im new to dirt bikes.
The Graphics:
CRF/XR/XR50/CRF50 Plastic/Black & Graphics Set/Monster - eBay, Decals, Stickers, Motorcycle Parts, Accessories, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 02-Oct-10 18:10:02 AEST)
The Bike:
DHZ DPRO 125 (Free Protaper Handle Bar) - DHZ Mini Moto
im getting this bike tomorrow and i want to pimp it out a bit starting with some new graphics and if anyone can suggest some other monster graphics for this bike that would be great THANKS!!
The Graphics:
CRF/XR/XR50/CRF50 Plastic/Black & Graphics Set/Monster - eBay, Decals, Stickers, Motorcycle Parts, Accessories, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 02-Oct-10 18:10:02 AEST)
The Bike:
DHZ DPRO 125 (Free Protaper Handle Bar) - DHZ Mini Moto
im getting this bike tomorrow and i want to pimp it out a bit starting with some new graphics and if anyone can suggest some other monster graphics for this bike that would be great THANKS!!
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