drove da beast into a pond wat next?

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Active Member
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
jimboomba, qld
hey guys, im back!!!! again... with another prob, the other week i was riding around with a firend and i went to turn to around a lake ( i had done this b4 on this lake) but my front brake failed and i drove it into a pond, since then i have got it runnin, changed the oil about five times (with aeroplane oil sae 50 i think) cuz proper oil is too expensive to waste, and washed the crank case out with petrol, then put more oil in of course... seems to run fine but i want opinions, im pretty sure i didnt crack the heasd btw, and i knew there was water in oil cuz it was milky, just askin opinions, and im slowely sorting out other probs with bike so apart from driving it into a pond till only the back wheel was sticking out it is probably the best its been in a long time, and i fixed the front brake now lol so its all good ./.. ithink...
Ahahaha thats classic .

Mate i have done the same thing , going on a big trail ride with me mates all on big bikes , got to a creek crossing hit it 3rd into it and it was alooot deeper then it looked it sank and sent me over the bars lol soon as it hit the water it instantly seized ...

i put it in top gear rocked it back and forward and it unseized , rode it for another 30 minutes full throttle to get back..

Then i did what you did , changed oil heeps .. and it never had a problem after that.

This was on my klx110 , i put a fair few more hours on it after that then put a hole new topend on it , and had the cases split put few new parts in .

And there was nothing wrong , and is stil going today.

So i dont think there should be any damage.
a mate done this on his braaap, I had a race where we had a massive water crossing, seat was under water half way through it..........and ya all i done was got cheap oil same as you did, put fresh stuff in ran it for about 3 min then drop oil, continued process till all the milky **** was gone never had a problem after that.

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