ducar 150cc not starting

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Jul 23, 2014
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hi there guys i have just replaced piston and rings in my 150cc now it wont start :\ while i had it apart i turned a screw on the side of the cylinder that controlled the cam before realising what it done... yes i know stupid move lol my question is would turning that screw cause the motor not to fire by throwing out the timing? if not what else could it be? thanks guys
hi welcome to Miniriders,

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is the engine a Horizontal, like a 1P56FMJ?

the 10mm headed bolt on the side of the cylinder ? that just holds the timing chain guide

did you have the flywheel marking lined up to the case marking at 12 o'clock?
and the camshaft gear marking pointing at 9 o'clock ?

cheers, craig
thanks mate i will do that shortly na its not horizontal its vertical. to answer ya question didnt take any notice. i did how ever when putting back together made sure that the valves were working at the right time, and the inlet was opening just before the spark was made. i shall pull her down again and check these marks and make sure they line up where theyre supposed to be. thanks for the info. im still a novice with these bikes but have been build car engines for years you would think i would of known these thing haha
Hey mate, im pretty sur the horizontal motors have to lines on either side of the camshaft sprocket, these lines must be horizontal(9 oclock and 3 oclock) and obviously the timing mark on the magneto is a T and not the F, on the magneto casing there should be 2 silver plugs that can be loosened by a flathead screwdriver, one is on the side to access the bolt that holds the magneto on and also allows you to turn it with a 14mm socket to get it to top dead centre, the other is so you can see the T line and once the T line is in the middle of this hole the magneto is at top dead centre. These engines vary a tad depending if its Over head cam or a pushrod motor, if youre not sure always post some pics as it helps us diagnose also.

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