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Supporting Member
Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Victoria, Shepparton
Hey guys and girls...
My headstem seems to have more lock then the previous one.. I spoke to my mate, he's a motorbike specialist by trade, he reckons it's the stoppers, how will I make it stop earlier .....
Any help would be sweet cheers loco

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Cheapest and easiest way is to Metal glue a small nut either side off the stopper or glue them to the triple itself, why do you need it to stop sooner is it hitting your tank?
The forks can hit the frame.... If I come over jump a little bit ****eyed.ll I most likely won't recover in time... And well have a bingle..

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Forks hit the frame? So the stoppers not making contact with the triples at all?
you might need to make up a longer/wider stop for the frame
get some 5 or 6mm thick steel and cut it into a strip shape, maybe 6 or 8mm wider than the original one.
then bare metal the original stopper on your frame, and take the new piece, and your bike, to your exhaust shop and have it welded onto the original stopper on the frame
Correct brendo....
Craig I've got an arc welder... That should do the job
Where a outs are the stoppers and what do they look like?
Pics would be good!

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arc will be fine to weld it up.
just make sure there is a decent amount of weld to hold the new bit on.
once you have welded it, cool off the metal with some water to stop the heat from cooking your lower headstem bearings too.

there will be a little tab hanging down from the headstem tube on the frame
just below the 2 lower frame tubes at the front.
i put a blue arrow pointing to it in the pic below (not sure if it's showing up after my photo editing ? )

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if you look at you old lower tripple clamp,
at where it touches on the frame stopper, you will probably notice that the new tripples are recessed more in the same spot.
you should get a grinder onto the stopper and grind it to smooth the edges, you dont want to have it cutting little divots into your new triple clamps! you could also get some rubber from a car door, or bike tube and that would also work :)
ok im back to this thread, c.b. making a new one

now... ive welded the new stoppers on...... dont have a pic atm...

ive put some bolts on the headstem to make up for the recess in the triples.... the glue im using will not adhease to the triples tho... will epoxy type glue do the job?
do you need to build the tripple up/out a bit to stop it turning as far ?

with gluing something to the tripples, yes and no,
it will but each time the stopper hits on the tripples it'll weaken any glue that's joined item

what about drilling and tapping a hole where the tripples touch the stopper, and loctiting a H/T bolt into the threads?
use something like a High tensile M8 10.9 bolt with a 1mm thread,
or a Button head bolt might be better, 12.9 high tensile


hmm... thats a good idea....ill hve to get some bolts and some taps tho...
then ill need a chunk of alloy or steel to be grinded or machined out..???
yeah you could do that, or use a nut to lock the bolt into the thread
if you need to adjust it out a bit, undo the nut, turn the bolt out a bit, then lock up the nut again.

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