KLZ110 4th gear and manuel clutch help

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
lil old littlehampton, SA
hey boys,

finaly gettn off my arse and doing some mods to the klx im after a 4th gear drum and a manuel clutch kit, iv herd that with the normal cable clutch kits you can chose to use the clutch or use it as a semi auto wich would be handy. so where is the best place to buy from? Powersports is looks good but where else are these things for sale?

cheers Ryan
well from what i read in the new issue of 50s brotherhood in unlock the box
the klx runs two clutches one is a centrifugel clutch on the crankshaft and the other is a multi plate clutch on the gearbox shaft.running a full manual system will remove a massive amount of weight from the crank wich greatly improves engine rpm response

anyways u can get all the items from cdj mini bike parts
contact dave on 0412419204 or craig on 0418617872
apparently the thing with hydrulic clutches is that they are either fully engaged or not, theres no inbetween if you know what i mean. like, no friction point.

and what fluid do you put in them?
yeah so if its true it would suck for bush bashing and trails i guess
I have a Hydro clutch for the KLX110 that I may want to sell, but I would want all the parts from your auto in the deal. I want to go back to auto, the bike was semi-auto when I bought it which means it had the clutch kit but you could still use the bike as an auto. It is a Magura Hydro kit which is over $500 new also I have a Takegawa Primary drive gear (cost $150)that converts the bike to fully manual by removing the auto clutch parts. You can install a clutch on your bike how it is now with a few minors deletions and it will be semi-auto.

I recently replaced the slave cylinder (cylinder inside clutch cover that has a piston that pushes out to dis-engage clutch). The new slave was $120, it runs Mineral oil, So just baby oil is fine unless you wanna pay a fortune for "Magura Blood" which is baby oil with dye in it. And as Sidney said about on/off, you can feather the clutch, it isn't just on or off, if so it would be just like changing a manual bike from neutral to first without using the clutch.

If you are interested in swapping all your auto parts and cash, make me a reasonable offer.

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have a look on planetminis as they seem to have heaps more info on stuff like this
^^^^sorry bit off topic but they call that race changeing but do the pro's actually do it when there racing?
its called flat shifting and they always do it in race cars.

when did u get the klx??
iv had the klx for about a month and starting to mod it now, the mods so far are:

fork springs
I shock
high comp piston
Red Barron tall seat and cover
monster graphics
high rev CDI

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