mv24's LXR build

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2009
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melbourne victoria
well i finally got a new bike last weekend (The Pitster Pro LX)
and since next years meant to be big for mini motocross next year and theres meant to be a junoirs class and going to be 16 in august next year anyway im going get it ready for next year. and after seening all the LXR builds like wogtaz K-LXR and speedfreaks K-LXR and smarts lxr (awesome bikes!) i wanted to start mine

The bike is a 2009 pitster pro lx



current mods:
it already has a DNM/GPX MSX rear shock
TAG fatbars (bent: 11doh: )
chrome billet 1/4 turn throttle
new bashplate (same one) (cracked old one)
and the rest is pretty much stock

Future Mods im think of putting on it:
ZETA levers (dunno if they fit yet).
GPX holeshot launch control device (just to see if it works).
Genuine Honda Keihin PE26 Performance carby.
new exhaust system not sure if i want the pro circuit T-4 tho maybe a fmf or yoshi,big gun or something like that if they fit but not sure yet.
custom sticker kit (not sure what design) with printed racing numbers.
pro taper or TAG fat bars (like ones on the bike)
new tyres
a new gear shifter maybe hammerhead or something like that
new hand grips
maybe put marzocchi shivlers on it
and the elka lxr rear race shock
V2 race head and cam maybe with the de-comp

im so up for sugestions on what might be good for it and sticker kit design and i will put miniriders on it :)

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Far as i no there isnt any plans for them to make them for lxr's . a klx FMF 4.1 has been modded onto a lxr before tho , looked pretty good , and there isnt much modding involved.

Then theres the PC pipes , and Doma's which are almost impossible to get here ..

my yoshi should almost bolt right up after i cut the mount off the subframe (for the rubber shock flap)
Going to be a good build with the future mods you're putting on it.. I think I will get a thread going for mine aswell..

You forgot a v2 and cam.. That's if you're going to run one?
Going to be a good build with the future mods you're putting on it.. I think I will get a thread going for mine aswell..

You forgot a v2 and cam.. That's if you're going to run one?

yeah hope so tyd.

i forgot to add them
Whats the go with the gear lever down so far??? Otherwise cool bike, seems like a few people are starting to build these up.
dunno i got it like that and its easier to change gear anyway but i might move it up abit since it often hits the box stand
What is the diff between a PitsterPro LX and the LXR?
Nice bike BTW. Good luck with the build.

not much wogtaz said its just the first one of the lxrs and it has a shorter swingarm by 12mm according to pitsterusa and it had an older dnm shock but mine has the new one and the sticker kits blue not purple kinda but to me the lx and lxr feel the same

thanks oldhack
not much wogtaz said its just the first one of the lxrs and it has a shorter swingarm by 12mm according to pitsterusa and it had an older dnm shock but mine has the new one and the sticker kits blue not purple kinda but to me the lx and lxr feel the same

thanks oldhack

Ahh cool. Thanks for that.
And different forks.
the 2009 lx and lxr have the same forks
and i heard there gpx anyway?
just the newer lxr has black label gpx forks
i got a new rear tyre for it (bridgestone m404) and got the rear wheels spokes repaired
i had my first crash on it and it flipped over me lol bent the gear shifter and damage abit of the plastics but its all good now

heres some action pics...







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