Snapped kick starter

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne @ the track
Anyone know if you can replace the 'rod' that sticks out of the engine that the kick start lever connects onto? Mine snapped off and I dont want to weld a new lever onto it. I asked DHZ if they have any part to suit, but they seem to be to busy to respond... even though I bought almost all my parts off them... pr*cks
of course you can buy it but with the amount of work in replacing it, ie stripping down the whole engine...who would bother?

new engine:)

how the hell did you break it anyway, i wonder?
Too much compression...

go on ebay mate they have them there you'll just have to wait about a week for delivery. Other then that there cheap but until then roll start?
means split case, part is a lil hard to come by i know ken hasnt got any for the yx motor dunno bout the lifans

if you do it your self it should only take about 2 to 3 hrs if your good with spaNNERS

get some to do it would be around the 3,4,or 500 hundy mark
new donk easy peasy
yeah man shaft is about 50 -70 bucks and i can probably hep you out with one what motor in it is it a yx?
Champions. Thanks a heap guys! Ya all saved me ALOT of dickin around.

Oh, I took it to my mates farm for his party and I left it un-attended. Ended up some kids where trying to start it and just kept kicking until it snapped off! Man was I pi55ed!
Yeah I had goons stuff my XR motor like that ... They twist the throttle full on as they kick so it won't start ... but they won't give and just keep on kickin' and kickin' away for ages like fools ... They try all sorts of crap like putting the bike in gear and holding the clutch in ... then when they get tired they forget and let the clutch out as they kick ... and that's what stuffs the kicker shaft ... They didn't snap mine but they broke the spring and bent the shaft inside where it goes into the flywheel side case ... Even after fitting a new spring , the lever would go down and stay there ... Believe me ... idiots can do all sorts of weird damage to things ...

Years ago I owned a Yamaha SC500 ... I fitted it with a manual decompressor so it was easy to start with the right technique ... I sold the bike to my brother who had great fun in challenging people to try starting it without using the decompressor so that it would kick back hard on 'em ... Within a few weeks he rang me and said the kick start shaft had snapped off ... SC's had a super thick shaft around 28 mm in diameter ... As I said ... goons can break ANYTHING ...

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