thumper 110

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crazzy #1

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
sydney, australia
okk so i have been interested in a thumpstar for a while know, i done work experiance this week at red baron in liverpool and a guy there said he would swap his thumpstar for my pb and $400.

does that sound like a good offer, i might try swapping my gas rc car for it oo :?:
depends how goo the thumpster is.. if its a good condition real thumpster then yeah.. and then if its a copy.. but still very good condition it will be not good but not bad
red baron in liverpool
these pricks are the dodgiest c**** around i took my 1996 GPX250 and a 1994 RM125 into these guys as a trade in they said they would give me $200 a peice :shock: this was back in 1999-2000 same sales guy is there today i laughed at the guy and left he put hes head down and walked off also they took both bikes into the work shop for a check over $250 was all both bikes needed to be in top shape i wouldnt buy a bike from them unless its new i know a guy who used to work for them years ago he didnt like the way they done business so he quit and opened hes own shop in fairfield
yea its in good condition, runs but it isnt a real thumpstar. the only bad thing is he said its the only one in nsw that he knows of??? he meant the frame
u need a easy and good supply of part for these bikes how much all up is he asking? :roll: we are thinkign of selling our 125cc soon what guy is selling the bike?
i wouldent buy it man, u will have many problems with it and it will cost u way to much to fix.

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