Recent content by nedsta

Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. nedsta

    myspace? hello wheneva always good to meet some new faces!!!
  2. nedsta

    Fiddy stunting SKILLZ

    ye tis called the watch tower and is damn impressive......
  3. nedsta

    50 Stunters? or street

    ye starting to get a bit better already stuntin101 already doing meant proper street bikes cant get enough of it. saving for my road bike too!!! cant wait to hit the streets. hopefully not with my body :o
  4. nedsta

    bike rack for pit bikes

    ye there a mad idea but a trailer is also another option because u need a tow bar anyway and the trailer can be used for other stuff. But on the other hand their is another it is a double edged sword!!!!
  5. nedsta

    50 Stunters? or street

    dfinitly stunting but just started riding so im damn unco. :( but u gotta start somewhere i guess.....u boys follow proper street stuntin????
  6. nedsta

    What type of riding do you prefer?

    u gotta mix up a bit of everything and it'll neva get boring ;)
  7. nedsta

    NSW Riding Spots

    hey from newy too. im just gettin into minis but ye same problem cant think of any good places without getting hassled by heaps of cops. i know of a place in westy but u pretty much need a 4x4 to get to it.
  8. nedsta

    Backyard riding

    ye ive been riden in my backyard to its not big but its netter than nuffin the old ppls home behind me luv it heheh