Lifan Front Sprocket Question

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sunshine Coast
Ive got a lifan for my bike and it appears to have a 428 sprocket, ive just purcheased a 420 chain for my bike. What would the best option be for me? As im not sure if a 420 sprocket would be loose on the output shaft. Help Pls!
what Lifan engine did you get, if it is a 125 with clutch on crank it runs a 20mm shaft there are a range of sprocket avalible from JT sprockets ,if i can remember correctly Honda cb 125 fits just need to hone it out not even 1mm. If you have a 120 Lifan they run a 16mm shaft (same as ducar , gpx, jailing) these are avalible in 420 and 428.I f it was me i would keep 428 pitch as it is a lot stronger

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