
Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. C

    yx150 stator issues. postie.

    Ok so ive been building a postie bike for a little while now and i have installed a yx150 engine from a ciniworx 150. Install went well everything ran just fine, but the engine didnt have a charging/lighting circuit. So i bought what i thought was the appropriate magnito/stator off ebay. When i...
  2. xLOCOx

    Loco's Ciniworx cxf build....

    Hey guys and girls... I would like to say a massive thanks to coolmoddee for bringing the bike up!!!! Now... To inspect this rig...... I've already take the old chain off.. And the old kill switch.. Here's the new kill switch... Its a billet RHK one...
  3. Carlts

    Pitbike Nostalgia - bringing back the old

    Hey guys this is just a thread to post up any finds you get from pit bike stores over the years. Been inspired by looking through DHZ archives, here's a few of my finds: Best way I've found to find stuff is through this site Internet Archive: Wayback Machine simply paste in your url. DHZ K-1...
  4. sean01

    Brake pad replacement (LXR,Cini,Revmx,Thumpsters)

    ok, been hearing a few cry's for help regarding replacing the rear brake pads on the above listed bikes (may cover other models too) ok this is pretty straight forward so here goes... some bikes may require the master removed from the frame too. just depends how long the brake line is...