6 piston brake kit fitting

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
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Toowoomba Qld
Ok this is half chasing some help and half just a place to vent because I had hoped they would just bolt straight up......

I got me one of these flash 6 piston brake kit for my pitty

Now in the pics these look great but in the flesh the calipers are surprisingly small and the pads look smaller then my original pads. So not sure if these will make my brakes better or worse. Good for some bling bling anyways.....

The problem I am having is that the rotors don't line up in the calipers. I didn't bother to make measurements or take photos yet but i know the rear caliper has to move further away from the swing arm and the front has a similar problem I think. Now I am thinking if I have to make up a bracket for the front i'm gonna go to a 220mm rotor so i'll just get one of those and make up a bracket.

The rears look pretty easy aswel and I was thinking of either cutting some of the spacer off from between the calipier mounting plate and the wheel, this would bring the caliper in closer to the rotor and should fix that problem, then simply make up a spacer the same size as the amount of material I had to cut off to line up the disk to take up the space in teh swingarm.
Other option was to space the disk away from the wheel.

Mainly just venting and thinking atm but if you have had similar problems let me know how you made it all work and problems that you came across.
I had this exact same problem when fitting my wheels.... Was a piece of piss to fix... I just spaced out the disc on the front with washers until it lined up. The wheel is off center by a fraction. I doubt it will make a difference as its probably not lined up from the factory anyway!
Rear was similar, I spaced the disc out with 2 washers and then added washers between the swing arm and caliper bracket where needed.
Wheels pins freely.
id stick with your stock set up man =P if it locks up the wheel easyilly into a corner your fine.. =D

just washer it out make it fit youll be right =)
i'm looking at using my bike for minimotard so its a mixture of brake power and control that i'm after, power is useless without control and control is useless without power......
just enter the corners at full speed ;) and youll come out faster =D
hey darb110 have you ever rode motard? I'm new to this whole minimotard thing but been in supermotard for a little bit now. My big bike has brembo's all round and when your coming into a corner at full speed and back the bike in you want to be able to control all your brakes properly or your in for a nasty crash.

Tell you what if you ever come up to Qld we can meet up at Archerfield and race minimotards, after you run off the track in the first corner from not being able to turn we will see if you learn.......
u can see the 2 specs of weld holdong the spacer to the caliper so id just grind them off and take off the spacer
as for the front piece of piss to make a bracket

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