adm makes em sound like crap!

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May 1, 2007
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a.d.m makes em sound like crap!

:eek: i picked up the australian dirt bike magazine yesterday and it reveiwed 4 pitbikes on the cheaper end of the scale such as the orion, terra moto and 2 others that i cant remember, anyways in 1 day of riding each bike had like 5 things snapped of it, one of em wouldnt idle, and one snapped of the clutch, brake lever and footpeg. now i know these are pro's testin em on serious pitbike tracks but geeez u'd think they would last longer than a day?
lol it was funny cause each bike had its own "what broke" column!
r the bikes really like this, or do you think that they just thrashed em till the breaking point? it sure puts me off just a little bit buying my atomik prox. :(
(cant remember if all the bikes were cheapy's cause i left the mag at work)
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they would thrash em but if yours hasnt broken y worry??
i bent a frame broke a gearbox 2 throttle cables shock tyres bolts and much more....all in a couple of months, i wouldnt call them reliable unless you go over every bolt and nut make sure everything is 100% after each ride and if something breaks buy good quality parts to replace it instead of cheap shit ones again.
ive got that mag, they test a orion agb-29, motovert 140, terra moto 125 and a pitster pro, i would think that they thrased these bikes till they couldnt go any more, just to see what there like.

seems weird that they test the agb-29 against bikes that are worth 3x the cost of an abg
These pros do they ride pit bikes or big bikes like 250's, if they ride 250's or more they are gonna want more power so they are more likely to give it alot of shit an flog it, plus if you got given a bike for free and told to test it immediately you would test it as hard as possible and break as much stuff as possible. i know i would:D, the key to looking after any bike is maintenance, if you keep on top of it you will not have any trouble.
why wouldnt you ride your bike as hard as possable anyway :)
yeh, keep up with maintenance and you should be fine, unless the parts just have a very low quality and then just replace them with a decent part.
maintenace is the key to makeing everything last from chep ching bikes to big name brands like yamaha and the likes
Everybody knows that the build quality of pit bikes is dubious and you should go over and locktite everything BEFORE you ride. I imagine that they did not do this hence things falling off. I sorted my bike (took half a day) and have not had ANYTHING even come loose in 5 months.

I imagine (without seeing the article) that they destroyed the bikes for the fun of it knowing that it would not hurt there advertising income.