atomik 125 wont start

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Sep 1, 2009
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:mad;Gday forumers, just got a atomik 125 motox from a mate who had it only a few months, didnt start so it was cheap. any help is appreciated. Ive dumped the oil and put fresh in , new plug and charged the battery up.The motor turns over but wont fire, I do have a spark, Ive checked the fuel and it flowing to the carby.Im still learning mechanics so now im stumped. What do i look at next ? any ideas? Steve
how old is the fuel?? hoe good is the compression ??how are your valve clearances??
also check if fuel is even getting to your spark plugs and into the cylinders, or maybe a carby tune? your bike needs just like a car, air fuel spark and compression, all them 4 things need to be working to make your engine run, eliminate one by one..
So how do I 1. check compression. 2. check valve clearances. 3. check if fuel is reaching spark? Steve.
right click on the search tab and open in new window....:p

compressions obvious, valves are accessed by removing the two little caps on the above, one below. you want .004/5 thou clearance...use the search for details ;)

and 3...clean the carby... does it start if you pull the carby off and pour a few cc of petrol into the intake? then it is the carby playing up.... your mate probably didnt drain it before letting it sit in the shed, fuel evaporated, jets got blocked up...
gday, my mate told me he was riding it at the time and it stopped like it had run out of fuel. it wont start with starter or kicker or clutching it. i also noticed at one point when i tried to kick it there was no pressure howevever that doesnt seem to be a problem now. i also noticed when i removed the plug it had carbon buildup. so far ive charged battery,new plug i have a spark, taken carby off and cleaned it,wiring looks ok.fuel seems to be getting to carby ok.faarrkk!!! what else- help.
might be a long shot, but could be worth changing the coil and plug lead.. Had a weird one like this a few weeks back... next door neighbour was playing around with his old Maico.... had fuel, spark, compression etc etc... no legitimate reason for it not to work... in the end we discovered that even though he had good spark, the dodgy old plug lead was cactus, and when the plug was screwed into the head, he was losing spark, and the current was shorting through the plug lead to the head... thus not going through the plug, and creating spark...
i'm still a bit sus as to whether you have decent compression though... may be worth a quick trip to the mechanic, and have a leak-down compression test done properly...
so how much is a few cc of fuel? im a chef i work in mls and ltrs. is it safe to pour petrol straight into the inlet valve? any one know the valve clearance specs for atomik 125 motox? steve
so i'm having a go at adjusting the valve clearances-i say having a go.and some dirty lookin oil pisses out the exhaust valve.what the fuck does this mean?is it normal? Steve
uh oh.... sure its oil and not just old petrol?

by a few mill, i mean about a coke cap full at most.

if it doesnt start with that, then the carbies fine, but either spark or compression isnt....

black plug? was it wet looking and gross or a nice grey/black crusty look?

the wet look isnt good...cause thats unburnt oil.

the dry look is just old and slightly rich, and fairly normal...

if it IS unburnt oil...then its rings/head gasket need attention. and the oil from the exhaust port is either caused by these two, or a bent/leaking valve stem....

hang on...was the oil you saw from the exhaust PORT, or just the lil cap that you have to remove?

if it was in the cap, its nothing.... just a sign that the top end is getting oil, like it should...

and why you would be looking at the exhaust port to do a valve clearance is sorta strange anyway...

(damn i hate thinking of more things while writing a reply... im assuming when you say exhaust valve you mean port...)
yep, im mean exhaust port. the fella i brought it off said when he removed the plug it was covered in oil, however when i removed it it looked dry and bkackened. anyway i tried a little fuel in the inlet port and it wouldnt start.So now what? Do i get the compression tested? so if this is yhe problem whats the fix? do i just bin it. and yep about 1/4 cup maybe less came out of the exhaust port and it looked a little dirty.
start stripping the head...sounds like youre gunna need at least a head gasket. rings n piston, nice n cheap.... so worth doing(make sure you get the cylinder honed if you change the rings...a decent workshop should be able to do only takes a minute...)

if you are gunna tear it apart...look at things before you pull em off. thats how it has to go back together...take notes ;) and go find da bombs tutorial...

reseat/grind the valves in while its all apart, etc etc...the do it properly, do it once idea...

:confused:well the bastard still wont start, starting to get a little frustrated. so the carby seems ok. I dropped a little petrol in and nothing. next Try compressions whats invoved in that ie whats the fix?if it is the compression. Also i pulled off what i thought may have been oil filter. Turns out its some coil and magnets.Whats this and whats its function. after putting it back together instead of the sound of winding its more like constant whirrr like its on or off.HELP -Im determine to get this thing started
if anyone noticed i havent been on much lately....

1, i get sick of repeating myself
2, i get sick of not being able to see the actual engine, and trying to explain what may be wrong. to the avrage layman
3, personal agendas

but! i still find some threads absolutely hilarious :)

ie, (most) of the info is available on this site, somewhere. what isnt available can be provided with some forethought...and, unfortunately, experience :(

pulling things apart that dont need pulling apart is the number one killer with anything mechanical. which does build experience, as a positive side effect :)

end rant. i cant help :( sorry :(
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Headmess, just wont to let you know I appreciate all the info youve offered, beleive it or not i have already learnt stuff i didnt know before. I can imagine it must be frustrating repeating urself many times.If youve got wisdom to share and someone is passionate and interested to learn why not share it. Thanks for your help- I will get this bike started.
Also not sure what u mean by agenda? My agenda is to get this bike going.
if anyone noticed i havent been on much lately....

1, i get sick of repeating myself
2, i get sick of not being able to see the actual engine, and trying to explain what may be wrong. to the avrage layman
3, personal agendas

but! i still find some threads absolutely hilarious :)

ie, (most) of the info is available on this site, somewhere. what isnt available can be provided with some forethought...and, unfortunately, experience :(

pulling things apart that dont need pulling apart is the number one killer with anything mechanical. which does build experience, as a positive side effect :)

end rant. i cant help :( sorry :(

Its a shame to hear about not wanting to come on here becuase of the repetion of some threads but thats life. New members won't know a thing about the site which we can't help. They'll learn as they go, like I do with my bike.

I have personly have learnt a few things from a few members (Headsmess, Thump*140, cactus jake, DvDRip, the mountin and the mods) with out these members alot of people will be struggling with there bikes ect.

I agree with '1' the repeating gets old but I love bikes and I love the fact that when I help someone (rarely) that they appreciate it and thats why I still come on everyday I'm allowed (most days:rolleyes: ) and try to help those in need of it. In saying this they (new comers) are the ones who keep this fourm going

One day new comers will have some sense to use the search function. In fact from now on I'll be posting a link to the search function to every new member in a PM and also the "introduce yourself" thread.
Headmess, just wont to let you know I appreciate all the info youve offered, beleive it or not i have already learnt stuff i didnt know before. I can imagine it must be frustrating repeating urself many times.If youve got wisdom to share and someone is passionate and interested to learn why not share it. Thanks for your help- I will get this bike started.


Sorry to hear your bike is not working. where are you located? if you send me your phone number via PM.
i might be able to steer you in the right diection by chating or even see the bike if you are in the sydeny area

great determination

cheers JML ill take u up on that offer. Im taking bike to mechanic tomorrow to see how compression is .
awwwwww :) thankyou

i was in a bad mood :eek: and reading that about the magneto.... wellll.

ok, all fixed, i now have a nice tax return.

(lol, agendas...being poor, personal shit)

right, where to start the "oil filter" fixed? its the magneto, for generating power for the ignition and lights. were the coils in the case itself? meaning its electric start.... and reading the first thread, it is... piss it off, unless it has no kick starter...

im still of the opinion its just the head gasket has blown...cus of the oil. so compression check is pointless

pulling it down is...about an hour, first time. basically(and more detail is in da bombs tutorial)

remove exhaust and inlet manifold
remove cam sprocket cover,
release cam chain tensioner(bolt under engine on gear shift side, has a spring inside...remove spring,noting which end is up, replace bolt)
loosen 3 bolts holding cam sprocket.
turn engine over with a spanner till the dot on the camsprocket is at 9oclock.
remove the 3 bolts completely. flick sprocket off, trying to keep it engaged in the chain
loosen the 4 cylinder nuts evenly, then remove.
whole head should slide off with a little tap or two with a lump of wood...

have a look at the head gasket, if it has obvious damage, great...thats the problem:) a $10 part :)(and it might even be just a perished Oring...theres usually 2... even cheaper(like free from a friendly mechanic))

if it looks ok, no holes/burnt bits, then you shall be digging in deeper.... like piston etc...

keep it clean, take notes, watch what youre doing.... it will come out alive again..