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Sep 4, 2007
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Perth W.A
Hey guys, I've never really liked bikes, or have been interested in them there was a time when i was like 13 or 14 i for some reason i liked atv's but i never really pursued it and eventually just forgot about it, untill my brother in law i guess you could call him, got this pit bike, and it kind of got me interested.

so i've never ridden a motorbike before, and was wondering on if you give me any riding tips, and also where would be the best spot for me to learn, im thinking large open areas (so i can get used to riding). any riding tips?

and about getting a bike, i have no idea whats a good bike, i've heard that the best place to get them was from e-bay. i've been looking at this kinda bike.

NEW BBG 2007 125cc PIT DIRT BIKE MOTOR TRAIL THUMPSTAR - eBay Other Trail Bikes, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes Boats. (end time 12-Sep-07 18:30:00 AEST) [ E bay link]

are they any good? i kinda want one with an electric start tho.
ive been lookin at those they look pretty ok, u dont need an elec start. just get used to the kick start. but the thing is they go for over 400 not around 200 like the bid is now, dont take my advice seriously because im only a begginer myself
nah dont get them from ebay they will fall apart and break everytime you ride it and it will cost more in repairs than the bike is worth have a look at our site sponsers like MSO and maylands performance
Not true Sheepy, Not every bike from ebay falls apart but I garuantee you that one you posted up will. Demon's are terrible.. really poorly made with shit parts. If I were you, I would ask Maylands Performance, or contact MSO or look at some of the atomik bikes on ebay.

Their really are only about 3 good models atomik have made which are , RS, Nitrous and ProX[decent]. If you're going the atomik route, don't get any model other than those also look on ebay at the DHZ 140.. Also another great bike.

Overall depending on the amount you have, contact brian from maylands about one of his pitpros or another bike he is selling and also contact kevin and linda from MSO.

Some riding tips would be, start off slow.. get to know how to change gears, use clutch and control the throttle.. I've seen a few people jump on a motty with no idea how to ride, rev the shit out of it drop the clutch and flip the bike.. I don't want you to be one of those people. Once you have got the idea of changing gears, go into large open space and just rev it out and learn how to control the bike.

Good luck mate
go for a pitpro 125rr, i got one bout 2 months ago for $450, alot better than that bike, those forks will bend, the frame will snap and then you will be up for more money
Yeah, I've been browsing ebay the last few days looking at bikes, the one i originally posted looks to be of "lesser quality" just from comparing pictures of the other bikes.

Thanks benox, you have been really helpful, so have all you guys, their seems to be a lot of the atomic "motoX" but i guess they aren't very good? all the proX sell for a lot more, but I'd rather get something fairly decent, but don't want to spend a large amount on a first bike, considering I've never really ridden one and not sure if i will get bored of it after a few months

I've had a look at maylands and that other place, their bikes go for a bit more than ebay, and most are over the other side of Australia to me, im here in W.A so either way ive got to pay for shipping and eBay has cheaper bikes.

I remember a few years ago when i was learning to drive, my driving instructor told me something similar about not dropping the clutch or you will spin your wheels, so i'm guessing even tho bikes are a whole different category i guess the principles are still the same, find the take up point, start off slow and just build your confidence.

Are the atomic motoX really that bad?
a good way to learn how to use the clutch is to find sumwhere with a small hill and as ur rolling down let the clutch out slowly and leran the best revs to be at when u let it go
Yeah the Motox is really crap to be honest. No offence ducar
street vision, im a beginner aswell,, and waz first lookin at the pit pro rr,, me mates have 1 and itz a really good beginers bike,, an exra 100 will get you the le wich is pretty much the rr but the limited edition with the better suspension etc,,, but now im lookin at the mso 140s because apparently that is the beter bike for your buk,, im gonna pay 1200 tho!
but id probz say get an rr or the le,, other wise look at some of the bikes benox told ya about,, cheerz!