best mini for $3000-$3500?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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lil old littlehampton, SA
hey guyes,
selling up the 250f and buying a better mini. got about 3-3.5k to spend and whant somthing that will be tough as nails not a pretty boy bike. whats urs suggestions?? oh and a 50 is to small for me.

cheers trash
****in awsome find a cheap but good crf and then put the rest of the cash into it and it'll be sik if you want bigger go crf70, klx110/drz110 etc

everyone recommends the bike they have but get a real 50, a jap one.
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those new 150 klx copies go good . find one with good chassie . like fmr motovert thumpstar.
get an xr150 n throw some tapers on with a full fastace suspension setup

then theres engine work n stuff

theres no end!!!
go the new motovert expert 2.8k they handle anythink u give it or for 4k go the pro best back and front shocks in an mini ever and heaps of power
yess finally some one on this site is gonna mod a KLX110!!
make sure u keep up updated on the bike ok?

i'd do it to but i don't have much $$ to spend on a bike, as im trying to save for a car as well.
If you were looking for a new mini, check out the reveiws in 50s brotherhood, they rated the MSO elite best i reckon for the price, they said the motovert pro's engine was hard to use or something....
A KLX 110 would be good though, just depends how many mods you can chuck on before you hit 3k..
Cheers, Pascal.
Hey Trashthumpy, before you decide on a 2nd hand KLX give us a call. You might be surprised at what you can get within your budget.

Cheers Ken
ok a klx110 it is then now to get my hands on one.....mmmm any for sale round her? lol where would be the best place to find one??

Look in the trading post, try and find a cheap one, ill let you know if i see one.
thanks but no thanks ken im the MSO series are a great bikes but im going to stick with a Jap bike, and flarry that would be great if u could keep ur eyes peeled 4 me cheers man.

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