Braaap Maestro Oil?????

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2008
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:confused:I just got home from school and work and went to chuck some oil in before i ride it tomorrow and found the oil dipstick but its a silver allen key think under the clutch line thats hard to get to and it a massive size! I will have to go and buy a big a$$ allen key now andd figure out how the hell to get to it to undo it. then i gotta work out some way to get the oil in that arkward space. Anyone got any info on this as to how u do ur oil on a 150cc Braaap Maestro? its really strange to be in such a stupid spot and i need some help. there is no info about it on the braaap website
Thank -Jason
can some one please help ! i really need this fixed so i can run it in and be riding on the weekend
i just use a large screw driver jam it in there and turn it
works a treat

as for getting oil in there you will need a funnel and pour slowly because it's going straight onto the clutch basket and if ya do it to quick it goes everywhere

900ml of oil will be plenty!!!!

bloody china man why they couldn't put it where they are on the daytona engine i dont know
take off the clutch cable? or call braaap they seem to be into helping their customers
haha thankyou ! ill try the screwdriver and see if that works ! i didnt even think of that. and yeah it says 900ml is good. with the oil filter how often should i put a new one in and do i need to soak it in oil before i put it back in?. No was am i taking the clutch off god what a hassel. On my Ag29(Atomik ProX 140cc) the oil dipstick is beside the clutch and is easy as to access just a pitty its not the same on the Braaap.
i didnt have a screwdriver big enough but im gonna borrow a mates one just to get the diameter then buy my own
yes its a pain ive got a alen key that fits...... for pouring it in go to go lo or rejec sjop or some place like that and buy a measuring jug obviously one that has markings saying a 1 litre and that
yeah i will do what size is the allen key you use?? the biggest one i have is 6mm and its like 2 time too small ahah so im think in a 10mm ??
Also just another quick question i had a look under the bike at the oil drain plug (sump plug) and noticed there is another one further over what is the other one for??
the one other is for the tension of the cam chain dont touch it.....not sure what size allen key but know its big jus buy a cheap a allen key set for like 10 bucks with some big ones

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