Clunk in Gearbox under load. (pit pro 140xr)

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Sale, Vic
Hey i have jus noticed today that i have ended up with a clunking from the engine/gearbox when i put the bike under load at low speeds (goin slow in higher gears). Anyone know what it might be? Do pit pro's have a warranty? :confused:
u talking about the sound it makes like the pistons banging around? that means you're laboring the crap out of engine, not pitpro's fault
headsmess i'm not a dumbass, i come here with a reasonable question n u think ur all that n talk Sh*^..... and DvDRip the bike hasn't had too much of a hard life sure i give it a good run but its prolly only run 2 or 2n a half tanks of fuel so not all that old....i took it easy when running it in but now have got this problem. i come here for a bit help n u ass wipes aren't really helping!
shit man we're not experts and it's not our job to help you, maybe we're wrong about the problem it could be something else? but from what you've described it sounds like you're laboring the engine at low revs high gears. well anyway good luck I don't have time for you
why have a high gear and no revs???

just change down gear or give it a bit more throttle...and it needs 3 tanks of fuel to be ran in (so the websites and all say)

and we dont have to help you...just keep that in mind when you talk like that to valiuable members of the forum
mmmm, its not really much info youve given us to work with.... youre saying that the engine clunks when you put it under load and run a hi gear.

its a petrol engine, and its small...its not a diesel. they prefer to run at 5grand or more, not a little bit above idle.

from what you described as being the problem, we replied with what we feel is causing the noise, and how to cure it. not being smart, not giving you shit, just stating an opinion.

if you dont like the opinion, think about rephrasing your question so it doesnt make it sound like its an "operator error", before getting your knickers in a knot and blaming all and sundry...its immature.

its a chinese motor, and its cheap....rev the goddamn shit out of it...

changed the oil frequently? like with every tank until maybe five tanks have been run through it? or still on the original shitty cheap chinese oil that would now be resembling whata i cough up in the morning???:p?

change to a 20/50w and the noise might go well as change to 2nd or third...:)