End of year Ride - Starglen Lodge

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2008
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East Doncaster, Melbourne
Saturday NOVEMBER 27th we will set as the date.

So it came to my attention that the Starglen Lodge are now taking bookings for Oct, Nov, Dec.

As this is the case I'm thinking riders should express their interest here and throw up some ideas for a date.
Also try and get enough people for a bunkhouse (10ppl required) which is $30 per person for those that wanna stay the night.

Info about riding and the lodge - Starglen Lodge | Accommodation, Motel-Style, Bunkhouses, Camping | Bonnie Doon VICTORIA
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If you want to organise something I would do it quick. That place sells out very quickly. 5000 acres of private property to ride. Would be a great place for mini's.

Depending on the date, I would be keen to come along.
YES TRAV!! Do this... do this NOW! I'm in for sure. Lemme know if you need a hand with ANYTHING. :) I'm keen... did you get the hint?
were going to bonnie doon haha

hmm im keen but hmm dont put me down yet
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Saturday 27th November lets set as the date. If riders decide on the bunkhouse we need at least 10 people and a deposit of half needs to be made 4 weeks prior.
if is 27th imma be there coz its a day before my birthday and riding with a buch of guys sounds like the best birthday ay haha

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