foxico SUPERPRO 49cc HELP

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Jan 24, 2008
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hi just bought a 49 cc mini dirt bike, need abit of help doin the front wheel, i put the long middle bolt through but forgot to put the washers on, now when i try pull the bolt out, its stuck, not sure why, and i need help with fuel ratio, whats the best to use. thanks
what i done was this(although i suggest u shouldnt listen to me)

i grabbed a screw driver and pushed it on the end of the big bolt and then got a hammer and hit the other end of the screwdriver and it should start coming out on the other side
yo dude thats just exactly what i did cheers
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hey man i put the washers on the inside, but now it seems like the wheel wont spin cuz its to tight, is this how its suppose to be, do the washers go on the outter side of the forks or the inside?
you mean a washer or a wheel spacer?washers go on the outside, wheel spacers on the inside, check to see if its your front brakes that are stoping the wheel from spinning
sorry i mean the spacer (little black cylindrical thing) yeah it must be the breaks.. do i need to loosing the breaks or someshit very stresful shit lol

And cheers for your replys mate i appreciate it , thats why i love the internet, instant help lol
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?????????????// anyone know how i can tighten the front wheel nuts without the main long bolt spinning/slipping?
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anyone know how to screw the suspension on? they didnt assemble the suspension man,
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?????????????// anyone know how i can tighten the front wheel nuts without the main long bolt spinning/slipping?

hahaha... hold the axle with a spana or socket and turn the nut with another spana or socket.

i dont think ive ever seen anyone with less mechanical knowledge, but you'll learn.
finaly i done everything, theres just 1 more problem wich is very frustrating me, how do i fix the break problem? the FRONT WHEEL seems to be frictioning against the break, like how freely is the front wheel suppose to spin, with no friction or some?
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shouldn't slow the wheel at all ...did you pull out the spacer between the discs ? there is a plastic spacer

Oh yeah stop sayin [email protected] new ....but this site was sliding into 14 year old keyboard warriors flaming each other over there ebay bargains .... so we banned swearing ...personally I don't care but that's the rules.

Technically I'm supposed to ban ya but you didn't know and besides you said you were clubbed as well just chill on the swearin a bit and you'll be

Anyway welcome and good luck with ya bike.:cool:
i kept the spacers in, the mechanic who sold me the bike at the foxico warehouse sent me pics and video of how its suppose to be assembled, i done everything the exact way mate, but theres still friction with the front wheel... it wont spin that free without scratching against the break pads. (pleaase look at my NEW POST i explain everything properly, previously my younger brother came on and used this forum because i told him to post some help on the internet i apoligise for his swearing)
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either go out for a little bit of a ride and see if it frees up or else. i dunno but some one on here would know.

as for the fuel: oil ratio i would try and where from 25:1 - 50:1 ive seen bikes use them ratios before
All good mate

the only thing I can suggest is sanding the brake pads if it don't free up should eventually as the pads wear though.
theres 2 different size spacers I think. Try swapping them over.
assumeing this rocket is one of ya little pocket dirt bike jobs they tell you to run the on 25:1 fuel/oil mix. dont fu$#in listen to that though run it at 25 or 30:1 for your first 2 maybe 3 tanks while you run it in then lean it out to about 40:1 they rev harder, higher and quicker run cleaner, and still stay cool enough for slower riding. Have fun.
There are two spaces and they are different sizes the larger one goes on the side where the disc is. As for the disc itself touching the brake pads I have had this problem before and it is a reall pain. There are 2 problems that you could be facing one is the disc is warped and the other is that the centre hole in the disc has not been properly sett and is off centre. The way to tell if this is the case is when the disc is not touching the pads but instead it is touching the calliper itself.

It is very normal for one of the cheap bike to have the problem where the disc is touching the pads but when I say touching I mean slightly touching it should not stop the wheel from spinning. Generally you will only hear a slight scrapping sound this normally goes away after the first few rides and the pads have been beded into the disc. Ok so you may have the problem where the disc is warped and the wheel stops when you spin it. Remove the calliper and spin the wheel while still on the forks if you see that there is a buckle in the disc get a black marker it is easier to do this with another person but I have been able to pull this of before by myself.
Get the black marker and very gently hold it against the disc and spin the wheel you will be able to see if it is warped by the amount that of black the marker has left. Where the black is heavy you need to then get the bend out of the disc. With my disc that I have had to fix this way I have heated it and knocked the bend out this takes time and patience to get it perfect. The other way is to get another disc.

The next thing is where the discs centre hole is not alighned and there for the disc is hitting the caliper. The way to fix this problem is to do the same thing with the marker but on the edge of the disc it will let you see where there is a high point on the disc the way to fix the problem is either grind the area where it is high or sand it or once again do the easy thing and get a new disc.