get your bike conficcated and crushed

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Sep 28, 2007
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frankston, victoria
one of my mates said the cops were confiscating and crushing pit bikes in frankston victoria, spoke to a mate who is a cop and he rekons a new law is about to come in where they can confiscate your bike, also they will still do you for urgegisted vechile an registed rider ect........... he has also heard about the crushing but no 100% proof it will happen any one know anything
Yeah theres another thread about this, they're tying to bring in this law.
im glad i live in qld

Well they're probably bringing it in all states, Ive heard of it in SA and now Vic...

Imagine getting your $10,000 crf crushed into a cube ahahah, I'd run like mad.

On the other hand you might ride a $300 orion and it would be cheaper to get the bastard crushed.
Damn, thats a pretty tough law.. Would love to see an AGB-21 Getting crushed :D
I think it is a great law, might teach idiots that do the wrong thing a lesson, and other people might take heed and stick to the rules...
If you can't ride your bike in the appropriate places, then why buy them in the first place?
Stupidity is no excuse. ride it where it's legal or get it crushed!!!
for 1 i bought a bike cos i didnt wanna be like every other derro in my town and sit at the skate park and smoke bongs i dont care what u people think about me riding in the forestry
for 1 i bought a bike cos i didnt wanna be like every other derro in my town and sit at the skate park and smoke bongs i dont care what u people think about me riding in the forestry

Well it's the idiots like you that are making these laws in the first place.
They make road legal pit bikes now, so there is no excuse.
lucky i live in WA...
dude road legal pitty's (motovert RX) are 3k, thats a bit expensive in my opinion for a pitty and i would be a bit dubious riding one on the road seeing that people dont even keep an eye out for those on full size motorbikes...
i ride local forrestry occasionally, whats wrong with it... not like were trashing the place or even disturbing anything when theres no one else for about 5k's... sure ive been done by cops and even rent a cop once in local bushland and believe it or not theyve been pretty cool with it, i just got told to come back later in the afternoon or at night so there is less chance of people around...
IMO its not the smartest law because its not gonna make people sell there pittys or stop riding them locally, its just gonna make them more likely to run when cops show up and more desperate to get away... which i think is more dangerous as kids will not ride as safely as they should be and pretty bad incidents could occur

my 2c
I think it is a great law, might teach idiots that do the wrong thing a lesson, and other people might take heed and stick to the rules...
If you can't ride your bike in the appropriate places, then why buy them in the first place?
Stupidity is no excuse. ride it where it's legal or get it crushed!!!

yeah that would be ok if the people who were turing bikes into cubes gave us appropriate places to ride.........
hmm i dont think u understand im 15 hmm r u gonaa pay 3 grand for an rx for me? didnt think so and calling people who ride forestry idiots? this forum is fulla people who ride forestry
I'll say it again, If bikes were still 5 or 6 grand for a cheapy and you couldn't get cheap shit chinese bikes then we wouldn't have dipshits riding all over the place like they do on these shitters. The people who are fucking it up for us all are the guys who can now afford a bike(an 800 buck ebay junker) but can't afford a trailer or a ute to transport it to somewhere legal to ride. You guys have only got yourself to blame if you get your bike cofiscated and crushed for riding illegally.
Oh and if ya china bike does get crushed into a cube it would have come full circle. From cubed recycled datsun to china bike back to cubed recycled metal.LOL I think thats funny.
im sorry u feel that way sixeven

as i know of heaps of as u call them F*#kwits who ride what u call expensive bikes in OMG illegal places and god forbid ON the road also

i am all for rideing legal and we do most of the time

but i recon flamein every 1 who ride's a chinny is a lil old dont ya think

as most of the guys are just cuttin there teeth on bikes
so i only wish when i was a young bloke i had chances to get my hands on some of these mini's

first bike was a zip start mini and so on

you must understand that there's alot of ppl who dont wanna bomb 5k and up on a mini but i have seen some nice bikes made by GOD forbid the chinese
for the 2,000 mark wich makes it with in grasp of the avrage kid and dad who wants his son or daughter to learn there balance .

maybe this aint the place for ya as most of the guys here ride chinnys or cut there teeth on them

just my 2 cent anyways

PS BTW i still think your bike is filth and ya track is awsome and you guys are tru mini racers

but from most of the threads here i think your way out of most ppls league
not to say there aint any good bikes or riders here that dont dis chinnys all the time

I'll say it again, If bikes were still 5 or 6 grand for a cheapy and you couldn't get cheap shit chinese bikes then we wouldn't have dipshits riding all over the place like they do on these shitters. The people who are fucking it up for us all are the guys who can now afford a bike(an 800 buck ebay junker) but can't afford a trailer or a ute to transport it to somewhere legal to ride. You guys have only got yourself to blame if you get your bike cofiscated and crushed for riding illegally.
Oh and if ya china bike does get crushed into a cube it would have come full circle. From cubed recycled datsun to china bike back to cubed recycled metal.LOL I think thats funny.

Why dont you just leave the forum.
Dont ride on the roads and your bike will not turn into a cube, how simple is that.

I got busted on the roads and it cost me a shit load of cash about $750 in fines and lost my license for 3 months , i was dark about it but i haven't been on the roads since and that was 2 years ago. Ive since been chatted by the cops in a car park but they couldn't do anything because it was private property.
lol i luv how boxy is tryna say that its only guys riden chinas that ride illegaly its funny cos if u were riding with the guys i was today then ud be gettin laughed at why dont u ride a big bike u probly can afoord just afraid of the power i guess
No I am not saying its only china riders. I do agree that there is fuckwits riding big bikes on the roads to. That has always happened. And always will and those guys need rooting as much as anybody who rides on the roads. Not saying All china riders do it but am saying that there is now more riders than ever who ride on the roads because riding a bike has become more affordable than ever for anyone with 1000 bucks. And to be honest the guys could be a 15 year old who doesn't give a toss about anything(like most 15 y/o's) or an unemployed bum who saves up his doll cheque and buys one to waste his days. Thats what i'm saying. Oh BTW I was 15 0nce too but I was travelling all over OZ doing it properley with my parents support. They drove and I paid for the bike with money i earnt working three part time jobs, so fuck off if you think you have it tough.
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