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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
south west (wa)
I didn't know where to put this so I thought you can't go wrong woth general chat,
I want to change the graphics on one of my bike from monster graphics to DC and on my big bike .But I am going to race both of them and want to know is it against the rule and or stupid to race withg graphics that have logos of companies that your not sponsored by o have their parts?
I'm 99 percent sure its not agains any rule but want to be sure.
you can run what ever graphics you want, you bought them off the company so they arent complaining
NO! You can use what ever graphics you want as long the graphics company has the right to print the logos.
I asume they have the rights, might pay to email them first and check just in case.
Do many racers have these style of graphics?
this is the one I want to get

they look like this when they or on a bike (even tho this is a yzf in the picture)

I know you guys don't like monster energy but I do, but on my pitpro I'm gonna get DC ones dont know which one tho
i like monster :D its just toooo many people got em... kinda took the fun away... but thats on crf50 and klx110.
not many big bikes i seen with monster tho (other then peeps sponsered by em on the net)
It is illegal and they will sue for every cent you have especially Munster energy.

:eek::eek: Serious dude?

lol TyD have you never heard of sarcasm ?

a friend of mine just put that kit on his bike, looks good but they stooged him on the fork guards lol.

And yes mate you can race with what ever sticker you please.