
Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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wtf man stop speaking shit bloody hell starting to get fed up with the crap thats going round the forum
sorry i was trying to get my mate into the forum but he said it was all to hard and gave up. sorry just trying to get more members involved in miniriders.
yeh well u didnt make it very clear that u were introducing some body

u could have said this si my mate cody he lives blah blah blah so one in sted of just what u wrote ppl cant understand that rubbish
yeh ,lol i had no clue what u were on about!
watta post whore! funny thing is... half the shit he says i dont understand... sorry buddy! u gotta make more sense
younggun if you feel the need to drive people away from the forum with your nagativity do it somewhere else! your getting fed up with the spam, im getting fed up with your attitude towards trashthumpy. you have some form of vendetta against him and choose to single him out of everyone else. you say little to all the other useless posts here yet as soon as trashthumpy says one thing you pounce. get off your high horse, pull yourself back into line OR you should consider leaving the forums if you have nothing of value to add to these threads. i seem to understand him fine. you have a brain in your head, USE IT and stop acting stupid and blaming other people cause you dont understand, using simple interperative skills will get you a long way mate, you should try it sometime, just think about it!!

BTW ryan, welcome cody to the forums, set him up an account, its always good to have a new fresh face on the scene :D