.. is it possible?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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i was just wondering since pitbikes sound deep is it possible to change the sound of the engine to a kx 65 - 125 sound what would you have to do to have that sound on a pitpro as i love those sounds just wanna try somethin new please tell me if its possible or wat u have to do to get that sound? somethin to change in the motor or diff exhaust/muffler tell me what?
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kx are 2-stroke aren't they? I don't think you can make a 4stroke sound like that
get a peg + some stiff cardboard and peg it onto your swingarm, instant 2 stroke sound and pretty cheap mod too,

Goodluck with it:)
It is impossible to make a four-stroke sound like a 2 cause they will never rev as high as a 2 stroke....
lol ye some good ideas but ye lol wont bother then ill live with my pitpro :D but are seats ment to sink after a ride for like half an hr or so my seat is shit after a while it will make a grove r there seats that wont?
My mate and I both have BSE bikes(same company as pit pro). My seat stays firm his sags I put it down to china quality control.
If your seat is sagging your spending too much time on it. To fix - stand up on the pegs, ride hard and keep that f%^king throttle pinned. If you ride like that you also wont have the time to think about making a four stroke sound like a two stroke or any crap like that.