Is this normal???

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Victa , SA
I was givin my bike a service (...changing the oil and tightening everything, lol) and i emptied my old oil out and when i had a close look at the sump plug (think thats what its called...the oil hole bolt) i noticed heaps of tiny fragments of metal filings all over it ane on big bit of what looks like a washer. I have changed the oil once already and didnt notice anyhing then but that was when i first got it. I have finished running the bike in so thats why i gave the oil a change. Is it bad that metal filings where in the oil or is it normal because the oul is for the gear box and everything.
Yeh.. you'll always get a bit of crap on the sump plug magnet... especially with the first couple fo oil changes...

EDIT: the big washer should either be soft alum or copper, it helps seal the sump plug so it doesn't leak..
Wouldnt be too concerned. I changed mine, and it looked sort of metalic (like metalic paint) that is all TINY metal shavings from the bore and rings, aswell as gears etc etc, and few tiny little loose casting.

This is the reason you much change oil frequently. If one of those fragments had blocked an oil gallery to say you cam shaft you would see some serious wear and eventually engine failure.

keep changing that oil!
one question, i have good quallity oil. how regully should i change it? every 5 hours 10 hours ?? please help as the oil i got cost me $40 and have only changed it twice. O and another thing, my grandad thinks that if the oil is clean that is ok to keep it in there still? is that ok or correct?

i will make another thread about this so other people can learn to. thanks
well, it depends from brand to brand. Personally i think a semi good oil and frequent changes is better than expensive oil and less frequent... and good oil with frequent changes the best (obviously).

I would change oil less and less frequent as the engine starts to wear in, until your rings start to get crap seal and you get alot of blow-by contamination of the oil.

So change your oil every 10 hrs, but when you change, take note of the colour of the oil and the amount of metal fragments. If its still a pretty tranparent and browny gold then you could have left it for a little longer (still put some fresh stuff in tho). If it comes out black and with alot of shaving i would make the next change a little more frequent.

It also depends on how often you start your engine from cold. If your only doing 5 min rides you will be getting alot of blow-by with the cold engine and crap ring seal, so you will need to change more frequent. If you start it one and ride all day you will probably be able to delay the oil change as the engine will remain warm and result in less blow-by contamination.

keep an eye on these two things and you should be able to get to know when your engine will need a change.

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