knee pads recommendations

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
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Hey guys so i wrecked my knee on my last ride couple weeks ago didnt no i broke anything untill xray now have a titanium screw in my knee was in hospital full 7 days before they could "fit me in" for operation then home the next day now no riding for 3 months or more :(,

long story short i want knee pads and asking what are some good budget under pants knee pads? i saw huge ones like fox titans for $30 shipped on ebay but i dont need shin protection just knee anything up to the $60 mark, so what are you guys using and what do you reccomend? cheers.
Yeah I got the 661 Kyle straits. Real good, stay in place and tough as
I tried on a heap of them, thought they were all rubbish...finally found Oneil Pumpguns... They are pivoted, so really comfy on a pitbike, and protect the sides of your knees too..
sweet thanks ill look into them how much did you pay?
Both of these are cheap and comfy i have both sets,


I run the top end fox ones which are really good.

Don't buy Thor ones as they are rubbish. Clips broke on mine after the first ride.
Both of these are cheap and comfy i have both sets,



I have had these and thought they were rubbish, they pivot on the front of yoru knee, so they actually need to stretch a bit when your bend your knee, and there is no strap above your knee, which is no good if riding in shorts, I even found them a pain with pants on.

I run the AXO ones, they seem pretty good + they have the pivot point on the knee. Only issue i sometimes have with them (very rare) is they sometimes lock open at the pivot point, but thats only because when your my height and you sit down, your knees sit around your ears.... But besides that they are a good thing and I picked mine up at the local bike shop for $40 or you can get em fomr ebay for about the same.
2011 AXO Racing TMKP Jr. Knee Shin Guards --16700-05-330 | eBay
i have my eyes on the 661s as its got the most recommendations lil pricey though but i guess you pay for quality.

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