Lifan 138cc - Mods

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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2007
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In back shed - S.A
Ayy Guys Im At this stage going to get a Lifan 138cc motor, so i heard that there about 12HP...
I was just wondering if anyone had anyideas on getting it to the 14-15HP mark?? :D

So Far im thinking:

Inner Rotor kit
New Pipe (not sure on what exact..?)
Get Motor match ported (polsied too)
Some sort of race Clutch

Anyone Wanna shed some light on this ??? :confused:

Cheers Blair ;)
hey dreamah what bike is it thats got the 138 you wanna do up?
Good choice bro. I've got a mate thats got the MSO Elite and it kicks arse. Soon as i've got the coin i'm gettin one
is there only reed blocks on two strokes?
im pretty sure the lifan 138cc has 10hp not 12hp but yeah id go for an inner rotor kit that pro curuit looks pretty good an its so far going for a really good price
1.21 giggawatts thats what you will get if you set up your flux capacitor correctly and should easy get to 88 miles an hour
ur off to a good start! port and polish!, race cams, lightened oil slinger prolly bore the "138cc" to a 141 or soo
For a start the 138 is not 10hp. Try about 8 - 9hp. You want to make 14hp you have some work to do. It is quite easily done and much higher hp too, but you need to have a very good understanding of what you are doing and be able to build a motor yourself. If you can find a very good engine builder and have plenty of coin then thats your other option. But he will need to know about these China engines too or he'll be fly'in blind.
Dreama dont believe the stats in the advertising, Most of the adverts recon that their bikes do 100ks but most people are flat out doing 80 its the same with horse power. I would just buy the MSO Elite and worry about mods later.