lifan 1n234 gear box

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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hey guys does any one have the 1n234 gear box??

what problems do you have with it??

ive heard alot of people saying they slip alot into nuetral does it happen alot
if you were to buy a new bike would you buy one with the 1n234 box or go the n1234
i have the lifan 125 1n234 and just started to strip it last night it has 2 neutrals one between 3-4
How hard would it be To Change a 1N234 To a N1234 :eek:


Unless you already own a bike with the 1N234 box you should just buy a bike with the N1234 box and you won't need to worry about it. You'll save your $$$ and a lot of headaches.
if your 1N234 gearbox is playing up i would just slap a dhz 140 in, kill a few birds with one stone ;)
i have the 1n234 box and it slipped into neutral for the first time last week...but it does give me abit of a hasle to put it into neutral.
I took care of my ducar 125cc and the gears where perfect, easy to change, extremely easy to click into neutrul even with the bike running, take care of your engine and it will take care of you not matter the qaulity of it.
All you need to change is the shift drum to convert to all up shifting. Put out a wanted ad for blown all up motor would be cheapest fix.

To answer your question Divy, get the all up patterned bike for sure.
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well my 125 lifan has 2 neatrals pulled it apart found the reason it slips in to (N) is because the selector rachet spring is of poor quality and gose loose which causes it to slip out of gear im hoping i can find a harder spring some were to fix the problem
haha ill just buy a new motor if the gearbox dies.... or use my spare 125 ;)
the 1n234 mustn't be a too bad box as yamaha and honda use them

The pattern is not the problem its the crap manufacture of the chineese engine that causes the dramas. Personally i would prefer to have a 1N234 box but due to this potential problem bought the all up box.
Still would be nice to have a N1234.. Just 1N234 Seems Unnormal, haha

lol, all up gears is what`s not normal. the 1N234 box is designed that way so when u are clicking down gears you have less chance of ending up in neutral. this gear set up is much better, is just a shame it`s only the cheap gearboxes that use it. does anyone know why they havent developed a stronger gearbox with the neutral between 1st n 2nd and the ability to start in gear??
You can order either shift pattern when dealing direct with Lifan and they only make start in gear motors these days. Both gearsets are identical just different shift drum. All up feels no different to ride than 1d 3up its just like owning a five speed and never using first. I don't see what the big deal is. Its great being able to pull in, and shift all the way down to neutral without even thinking 'bout it.

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