Motovert pro 125 build

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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got my self a 08 motovert 125 been looking at heaps of things to do to the bike.

got coming:
boysen ignition cover
fmf 4.1
red dress up kit
OKO 26mm flatslide race carby
new plastics and graphics
tb gear lever

think that was it will get up a pic when i have all the parts
this is the bike as it is now


That's as the bike is now, all parts should be arriving soon
Have most the parts now! Will start putting the bike together this weekend! Will post pics asap
Bike looks real good Mitch. Will be sweet once you get all those parts bolted up.


pipe didn't bolt straight up luckily i know a welder that can fix that for me
dress up kit only one part of it fits :(
and gear leaver doesn't fit either
not to sure, i got the KLX bent because i was looking at the pitster pro which this pit fits straight up to and the bends look very similar. i don't think the crf bend would fit any better as the pipe needs to go in between the sub frame and shock, im pretty sure the crf one wouldn't be ablt to make it as its alot straighter pipe
Yeah, kinda tough one. I was referring to the shift lever and dress up kit. As for the pipe, I think you are going the right way about it, as the pipe needs to mount up to the KLX style frame, but as you said, will just need small modification to fit.
ohhh yeah im guessing so for the lever and dress up kit, lucky that stuff wasn't to expensive no didn't worry me to much!
Havent got the oko hooked up yet! Forgot to get the rubber adaptor or it should be here next week. I like the cover lOoks sweet, will post pics once iv got the carby back on mate
yeah was thinking bout getting some of them covers, trying to find one for the clutch side aswell. Should be a sweat ride when its all done, what carb you running with at the moment?
You didnt measure the shifter's hole diameter?
And yeah the that ling kit does not fit some engines, mainly only Lifan...
They dont have a clutch cover on the boyeson web site other wise i would of got one of them aswel ha. Just had the stock carb on it before. Defiantly cant wait to have it running!

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