MSO 140sr

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Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
western sydney
I havent been on here in quite along time and im after a bit of help i no longer ride and am and want to get rid of my bike its a white MSO 140sr but i have no idea what there worth if anyone could give me any ideas on what there worth it would be appreciated.
it was purchased MAY 08 probably done 10 hours ridin total and has been in the garage for the last 18 months doing nothing it its stock apart from the bars wich are tag metals and other then that condition is around 85 - 90% its pretty good nick.

also im aware i cant post a fro sale add here im just after help on what to sell it for will do up another post in the for sale section.
Best thing to do is post some pics, give it a good clean and make sure she starts up.
yeah it starts i took it fo a ride round the block today and its quite clean just really after a price to put up i dont wanna set it too high or too low
might get 1000. It looks real clean.
Ive got a mso140s and i paid about $1300 last year for it,got it just befor they shut down. I reakon that if you put about $800 on it,that would work.

And when youy put a FOR SALE post up,make sure that you put that the SR is the more top of the range type one.

It looks real tidy. I reakon if i had the money id near buy it. haha.
I love mso's they look so nice and clean i think $800 should be a good price for it. Good luck with the sale mate get as many photos as you can it helps!
yeah i would deffs pay a good $800 for it if i had that money spare sadly i dont
thanks for the help and info guys will be posting up an add within a week or so keep an eye out if anyones interested..