need help with valves :S

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Active Member
Sep 3, 2009
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hey im new here but i need a bit of help i have never done any engine work but i am learning very quickly, i have removed the head to have a look and i found that the valves are very worn and need replacing aswell as ( reseating?) i have the bare head with only the valves and springs in there and i dont want to remove them without the propper advice to prevent myself from loosing an eye,

how do i do it?
its a ducar 125cc i know its very low range and its not worth touching but its good practise i spose...thanks.
Ok mate, you'll need a valve removing tool, which can be picked up relatively cheaply from places like supacheap, sprints etc etc.
It can be done with a hammer and punch, but you'll end up being shot in the head with a valve collet or something..
with the valve collets and stem seals removed, you can also source a handy little tool that looks like a sticky dart.. (those suction dart thingys..)
This can be put in the chuck of a drill, and suctioned onto a valve base. using the drill and some valve grinding paste, the valve is then inserted into the valve guide with sucky thing and drill attached... spin up drill, and the valve can be ground away into the valve recepticle. care must be taken not to go too far, it's a similar process to honing a cylinder... only take off enough material as is necessary to seat the valve properly.
once done, clean the thing thoroughly... any left over valve grinding paste will continue to grind away the inside of your head...
It's a bit of a bush-mechanics remedy, but for a first tear down, and a learning process, it's a good way to see how it all works. :)
thanks, i bought the valve tools today and seated them pretty easily, it took a bit of time but was worth it.....i think, while my bike was out of action i bought a rotor kit from it seems to be making the engine spin more freely but has anyone had any experience with them? are they worth having or have i just lightened my pocket for no reason?

anyway thanks thump140 glad theres people out there willing to help :)
yeah the rotor kit will allow your motor to spin up a lot quicker than the standard flywheel setup..
The downside is that you lose some torque, and a bit of traction to go with it, but the motor will grab revs REAL quick when you need em... It will also give you a much higher rev ceiling....
my IRK-kitted 140 redlines at a bit over 9500rpm... fair bit higher than stock...
when you add the lightened oil slinger, it will make the engine very lively, but at the expense of torque.. As for how much you lightened you pocket Vs performance, depends on what you paid for it...
IRK's sell for about $30 on ebay...
And knowing Elstars, i imagine they saw you coming and slogged you a fair bit more than $30 for it?
yea i paid 90 bucks with delivery but the box had a tag on it for 150 but its the same one as on ebay but alot more expensive and without the lightened oil sling...bummer! but i found a much better retailer for parts there called there alot cheaper,

anyways thanks heeps for the advice i really appreciate it

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