Oil leak

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
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Took my bike out for a 5 min ride today and found out that there is oil leaking from the botton engine mounts or around that area. Can anyone help?
Its a lifan from an MSO 140s.
mine was the same, took it off and i had a cracked case
rear shock could be leaking oil..

check your drain bolt is tight,

make sure u didnt run over a puddle of oil lol
did you overfill oil, do a wheelstand and loose oil out the rear breather

It'd just be this, mine leaks oil out of the overflow/breather after every ride, it some just gets thrown into there and then it drips out afterwards.

If it keeps leaking when its parked after you havnt been riding it then its a cracked case.
yea it leaked for about 10 mins after riding and about 250ml came out. I know its not the rear shock because its engine oil. So it would probably be a cracked case. Anyone know how much and where I could get one?
Thanks for all the help

have you checked your gear selector seal or could be leaking from drive seal the one behind your front sproket , take the sproket of start the bike and check these 2 areas clean first with a rag then rub your finger around the seal , see what happens ,
yea it leaked for about 10 mins after riding and about 250ml came out. I know its not the rear shock because its engine oil. So it would probably be a cracked case. Anyone know how much and where I could get one?
Thanks for all the help

Did you read what I said? I dont think its a cracked case, it'd be leaking right now if it hadnt leaked all the oil out allready.

You cant get new cases, you'll be up for a new engine if its cracked.
hey dude ,
you can get cases for the lifan 140 ,,
i just got a lh centre case from ebay seller smallwheeldeals1

not too sure about a rh centre case thou ,

as this was a repair kit for when u kick your 140 to hard and you strip teeth of and crack the centre case ,
the price i paid was $49.00 for the case and 2 kick start gears
hope it aint the case tho ,
good luck , cheers , rick ,
well when I was kicking it over I heard a strange noise so it may have cracked but its on the Right hand side so Ill have a look on ebay for a rh centre case.
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Yer you can get the clutch cover with kickstart gear repair kit...
Clean it up and have a look for where its leaking before you buy anything.

Yeah bruz I'd say the same ...have ya checked the engine covers...and dare I say it sump bolt?? ...but yeah if the case was cracked you would loose all the oil not a quarter of it...so yeah clean it up and check where it's leaking.

Whatever it is parts shouldn't be a problem..... My mate Durant probably has all ya need:cool:

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