pitty vids

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Master Spanner Spinning Moderator
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys i got some mini bike vids, thing is im wondering if anyone has any of these, and others they have that i dont, looking to get more so want to know what vids i should be lookn for, cheers peeps

always hard to get pitty vids good ones anyway

nice collection mick

Yeah thanks josh, there mainly yankee vids but lucky50s is an ozzy vid, need more but, these vids are feelgood vids cause there runnin amok on bikes we can relate too and ride, ill post if i get any more as im always looking.
i got 6 newys cominh in the mail:)
ive got
Fityy Frenzy 2
3rd Gear pinned and 50 nuts 1
and coming
2004 minisx
2006 mini sx
Mini chaos 3 + 5
And ontoher i cant think of haha S.T.M.L strikes again :)
3rd gear pinned, 10 inch Resistance, Broken spokes2 & minimoto Sx 2004
Ones i got that's not in your picture.
This was the last picture i took , i got doubles of mini chaos and fifty nuts 2 for some reason lol

And since then i have got 50 frenzy 1 and 2 , and ten inches of fun.

Think thats like 18 all up ? and theres still a few more i need to get .. for a small hobby there was a ****load of dvds made! lol

i've got bubba's fast fifty freak circus 1 and 2 as well

plus most of the above 50nuts 1,2 & 3 50 frenzy 1 & 2, attack of the fiddies

haven't seen broken spokes or lucky 50 might have to go on a search for em

www.extremebits.org is where i get mine from
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yer i got broken spokes aswell , is any of these mini dvds that anyone has that arnt that good? or not worth getting ? haha
If thats possible?
And ya link didnt work for me coolie ?
I havnt brought from people in getting new 1s so wont link till i get em and all is good , as had to use credit card to buy as no paypal :(
But the had some cheep 1s i got 4 dvds del for 25us dollars
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Nice collection guys, i also got attack of the fiddies, think my little bro has it, im on a mission now haha
cant upload

i can tune a pitty all right but i can't get this upload videos to work ....? can anyone help?

says i need a token?
yeah mate i reckon 50nuts is a cool series, ya need to get the 3 disc series if possible, mini moto SX series is a great one also, they all have different qualities, just get a rush watching them all haha
Man they are some old movies guys. Ill ask my mate were he gets his dvds they are all new mini vids
It would be great to get a new dvd released , my missus even knows all the songs on lucky 50s I watch it that much , but it is a great soundtrack :)

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