Radiator Hoses

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hey all
I just bought some Blue radiator hoses for my Cr85 and was wondering how i should put em on, like for example if i take the old ones off will all the coolant start flowing out? if anyone could write a brief overview of what to do or link me up to one that would be great!
well given that there is coolant running THROUGH the coolant lines, yes, if you take the old ones off, the coolant will come out...
Best thing to do is drain the cooling system (there will be a small bolt on the water pump that has a brass or copper washer on it... that's the drain bolt....) wait until all the coolant is out, then pull the old hoses off, replacing them with the new ones as you go.
Then refill the radiators with coolant, and once full, give the coolant hoses a squeeze to move any bubbles or air locks.. start the engine with THE RADIATOR CAP OFF and keep an eye on the coolant lever... if it drops away drastically, top up the coolant, then put the cap back on.
Yeah it will, good time to replace all the fluid. once your done, fill it up, start it and watch the fluid level. will prob drop, so top it up again. Dont want to get an air pocket in the coolant lines.
When I done it to my watercooled pocket bike, I just ripped off the first hose I saw.. Don't do that! lol.. Drain all the coolant out, and then start changing the hoses over, do it on the grass though, so if anything leaks out it won't stain the concrete...
Sweet thanks for your help will do tomorow, another thing im looking at getting is one of them Vforce3 Reeds, if you buy one do you need to buy a reed to go with it (e.g boysen power reed)?
And as there quite dear here in Australia i was thinking of getting one shipped in from the us for $200 instead of paying $3-400 theyre asking for at Ballards/Peterstevens.(any shops i can get them from cheap in australia would be handy)
One last thing, Any good/cheap shops that would sell me a FMF/Pro Circuit system for my bike that anyone knows of would be great.
Cheers again
man thats unlucky, i had a cr85 pro circuit exhaust system sitting in my room for like 1 year trying to sell it for a mate, he sold it about 3 weeks ago
man thats unlucky, i had a cr85 pro circuit exhaust system sitting in my room for like 1 year trying to sell it for a mate, he sold it about 3 weeks ago

Damn were'd he buy it? im thinking of getting one shipped in from the US
just from a local bike shop, think he sold the silencer for 150 which was brand new and the expansion chamber for 100 but that was used
fark thats good. All the bike shops like PeterStevens and Ballards want $450-$500 for an expansion chamber and $220-$250 for the silencer. And the Vforce3 reed is $295-$350 which is an absolute joke considering in america theyre $130.

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