Riding Spots in Perth...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
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Hey guys!

Just wonderig if any of you guys know if there are any good riding spots in the Perth area anywhere! Preferably ones you have found, just like random tracks and stuff..i know of the new track getting built but thats about it!

If you know of any in random bush areas could ya post em up in here!

getta Perth hot spot list going!

Cheers! :eek:
currently in south perth but ill be moving home to forrestfield. so south or east one of the 2..geog was never a strong point lol...
have a look in the riding spots section there is a spot there i was talking about, its of wellard rd just near the corner of old mandurah rd behind the railyards. stunt 101 said its closed but its not, i think there was some confusion about the off road area at kwinana, but this spot is definatly open
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lat 32°14'33.15"S
long 115°47'18.38"E
have a look on google earth with these co-ords
Forrestfeild would be Eichkay's specialty,

But if you want un interupted bush go up the hills like Mundaring, hours of quality bush style we just go out for the day come back in the dark

they must have a new entry at kwinana it use to on the Main rd
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hey stunt 101
im not realy sure but the spot im talking about is not the old off road area, well im pretty sure any way. have a look at the co-ords i posted and tell me if thats it.
the entry is at the most southern point of the area on the northern side of wellard rd just over the rail way line.
North of River spot


i went riding at this place in wanneroo the other week

here are the co ords


its a decent spot
as soon as i get my ute ill be looking all over for spots! cheers guys!

keep em coming!
I'm in the forrestfield area... there are a couple of fun spots in the area not to far from home either... Some BMX tracks , the old tip can be fun. or you can ride around the lesmurdie falls area but havn't been around there in over a year.

