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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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Adelaide, SA

How come everytime I see something like a yamaha r1, ducati or whatever, they only have one working headlight? Eventhough they are meant to have 2.

How come everytime I see something like a yamaha r1, ducati or whatever, they only have one working headlight? Eventhough they are meant to have 2.

Its a trendy thing ... apparently. :rolleyes:

One headlight is unplugged to do that. Its stupid. Why risk reduced visibility?
all new bikes these dayz have to have the light on when the bike is on, some goverment regulation thing...
I could be wrong but I think it may be conserve battery power as bikes ability to recharge battery is minimal at best.Many aftermarket lights drain the power faster then the battery can charge. My old DRZ400 had this problem. Also may be one light for constant low beam(compulsory on new bikes) and one light for high beam. Correct me if I'm wrong
No, the bikes are more than capable of running both headlights. Why would the manufacturer give you two? Its required by law for both headlights to work due to ADRs. Having one on only is a stupid trend thing like wearing your cap on backwards. The TLR has two lights and the work just fine, battery charges just fine. Its amazing the stupid excuses people come up with ... do you really think excuses will work on the cops.
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Who's making excuses? I only stated what I said because I have had the problem of headlight draining the battery(on a dirt bike). Also know of a Buell with aftermarket headlight that drains the battery within 30 mins of riding.
1 headlight working is probably used like bogans use fog lights in their cars on a sunny day ;)
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Don't take it personally.

I stated the above "excuses" because I know of people trying to bullshit the cops when they know its illegal. And the Buell you mentioned has aftermarket headlights. The headlight from the factory are good enough not to drain the battery. I've know 3 riders with Buells and they never complained of flat batteries, only that the fairing limited the 'sweep' of the highbeam.
umm, i think both are working on dad's r1, but the right one is light as, i thought cos the guteter is on the left..... just like cars, the left one is twice as strong as the right....i'll ask dad when he gets back from sydney 2nite
The bikes are wired that way from the factory and its not a 'trend' thing.

The requirements of low and high beam is that for them both to work to the highest efficency, they require different reflectors internally in the light housing so that they can 'throw' light differently. The manufacturers then produce one side light as a low beam and the other as a high beam. You'll find the low beam will still work when the lights are on high so as to help throw some more light directly in front of the bike rather than all a long distance down the road leaving a 'dead' spot directly in front of the bike.

It has nothing to do with looks or charging system performance.
Well I stand corrected. I know the 2000-2002 R1s had both headlights operating. And I've seen newer CBRs running both lights I'm sure. Well, there you go! LOL [egg on my face]

I know the TLR runs both lights and I've seen other TLS and TLR riders run only one light ... so I'll redirect my 'trend thing' comment to them.

But still, back to my original comment, why risk reduced visibility? Andy, I thought there was a specific ADR that required both (in the case of dual) lights to be opeational low and high?
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Ruby, some of the owners of newer model bikes will actually rewire the lighting system so that both lights run. This is done for `trend' and is an appearance factor only thing as they think it looks better than the lopsided look.

If you can be bothered sifting through the 43 pages which makes up ADR 55, then have a look here.....$file/ADR+55-00+[FINAL+FRLI].pdf
Thanks for the link Andy ... I'll read it and 'get my facts straight' LOL
my brothers gsx-r 600 is like this, when the lights are on low beam the left light is on, and when it is high the right light lights up brighter! i thought because i see bikes with one light glowing that they would be set up like this?
i red the first page of that and couldnt go no more coz i didnt kno what they were tallking bout lol