Seating minimotard tyres on 12 x 2.15" rims

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
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Toowoomba Qld
Ok I have a DHZ minimotard wheelset
12" x 2.15 with kenda 90/90-12 motard tyres
now the problem is I can't seem to get the tyres to seat on the rims properly.
Like fit them all up and all that rubbish but when I inflate the tubes they won't push the tyre onto the bead correctly and part of the tire stays inwards.

Has anyone come across this issue before? my only thoughts are maybe its due to being a wider rim (2.15 as compared to 1.4 & 1.8 with dirt rims)

I have tried swapping the tyres from front to rear to see if maybe it was a crook rim or a bad tyre with no luck as it just made more that wouldn't seat, so now I have a front and rear that won't seat instead of previously just a rear.

I had also tried higher pressures to try force it into place but even 60psi would not do it and ended up popping a tube.......

If no one has come across this before I think I will just strip down the wheels again and recheck they are true enough and they appear to have a join mark or something on them also so will grind that off and anything else I think may be causing issues.
Not sure what you can do on spoked wheels, and especially if you've tried 60psi but I had a similar problem with some tubeless tyres on a solid rim. The servo air compressor couldnt do it so I took it to Beaurepairs and they got the damn thing on in 5 minutes free of charge.
got it sorted
ended up having to let down the tube, turn the tire on the rim till I found a place that it was close then hold one edge in while starting to inflate tyre and do it that way. Was a pain in the bum but still better then wobbling down the track or coming off in a big way.....
when they don't seat properly i just pump it up to about 55psi so it does, then just set the pressure
yeah not sure what was going on hills
i pumped one up to 60psi and it still would not seat ??
ended up popping a tube from trying to give it more..
my guess is either the rim or tyre or even both are a bit ordinary
2 things to try.... when they put them on in the shop they use a gel on the tyre.... try vasaline..... and also.... u may need to change ur tube.... dirt bike tyre tubes dont push the tyre to the outside.. u need a different tube.
the gel they use in the shops is a quick drying soap, I normally use window cleaner as its a good lubricant and being alcohol based drys quickly meaning you can ride on it shortly after. If you use something like vaseline that may not dry out you can possibly have troubles in the future with tyre slipping / spinning on the rim.

More info on the difference in tubes if you can my good friend. My understanding is that a tube will expand is a fairly even manner filling the available space. The air pumped inside will then (by the laws of physics) apply a even pressure to the inside of the tube forcing it to apply pressure/ push out in all directions. The only way I can see that a "dirt bike tube" would not push the tyre to the outside was if it had a non-expanding "belt" around the sides to stop it expanding......
that reminds me
when i get my tard rims im gunna get em with the tyrs already on

lol now u guys are getting me interested in motard but at my area there is no tracks or any where to ride on tar so not much point in me buying and wheels and tyres i guess lol
hey snitchy mine came with the tyres on, just not on properly (or it may have come off when I rode it with low pressure..........

hey motoXXX it is addictive isn't it
hopefully we will have some good footage of what these little bikes can do soon and then you will be hooked
yuh im really looking forward to it but ill be in junior til im 16
After having a close look at my motard rear I realised it wasn't sitting on the rim properly either. The front is perfect though. Anyway I tried to deflate it and spin the tyre but I couldn't get it to turn on the rim... Might give it another try with the window cleaner...
try abit of carwash with water its always worked for me for everything from 31/10.5/15 4x4 tyres to 2.5/10s for my Z50 tubed and tubeless
another thing, use a larger tube than tyre ie: i use 3.00 tubes in 2.5 tyres and have run 90PSI :D
I'm running a 3.00 tube in a 1.85 rim and I just couldn't get it to seat. Tried a bit of soapy water too but then the foot pump broke. I'll take it to the servo and see how 55psi goes.
My recommendation for seating tyres is a nice cheap water based personal lube, dries up a treat and is usually nice and slippery ;)

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