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Sinister 50's No 1 Groupie
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC
The video is of me being a complete knob head n showing of coz my mate had his phone strapped to his bike recording, the conditions were wet, to say the least and i normaly keep right through this section but for some reason decided to go left, .....
resulting in this..... excuse the dodgy vid but hope you get a laugh :duhman:

k here it is

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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you got a youtube channel, and then embed it from there.
Holy f$#@ lad, that was a hole alright, luvd ya mate crackin up at ya, i can feel ya panic trying to get ya rig out of the soup, haha, thats cool, you were right when you said drowned.:):)
haha i was just thinking that mick his mate pissin himself laughing instead of helpin lol classic hows ya bike goin now dude
That's gotta suk!!! If that's was me, my mates would do tha same hahaa.
How's the bike now?
bahaha yeah bikes alright, managed to tip it back pretty quick, got it home pulled the spark plug out and kicked it over n nothing came out the spark hole so all i did was service my air box, drain my carb, fuel tank. and changed my oil like seven times n a new oild filter, the heads all good i saved it in time and the bikes running sweet with no damage done so it was all worth it im glad we got it on film was worth a laugh at least

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