site slow?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
is it just me or is the site being very slow tonight, erroring etc?
good thought i must of exceeded my download limit or something
I had that for 2 months straight, but not this time! mines fine now.

Internet Explorer is causing lots of problems lately ive found, since i went to Opera 95% of the problems have gone for me now!
opera, is that just a internet program? sweet for pc's? or mac?
Yep its just another internet browser,

try Mozilla or Opera, they are both free,

and if that solves your broswing problems than you know its Internet Explorer!

both are PC's
mac has safari, and he mentioned internet explorer was down... so from that you would gather he would be refering to pc's

dammn mac's! i hate having one, very limited to what you can do :(
maybe a newer/bigger server is needed? i see alot of people view this site all the time
Im using firefox on my MAC , running safari i was having some problems on some forums, and firefox has a spell checker as well which is great on the forums

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