South Burnet Minimotard & Pocket Rocket Track

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Hey guys, heard a rumour recently about a track being built in the south burnet area that was canned due to lack of intrest.
I have it on good authority that this track may still be completed if there is enough intrest.
I dont have any details on a location or name but will be able to find out if i can drum up enough interest.
Please reply to show if you are interested.
Hey Custom

I could think of 6 - 12 mimimotard riders from our Gladstone Club (CQminimoto) that would be keen to travel down there once a month if there was a track to ride on. We used to have 6 or more guys travel to Bundy and ride on the AKA track when it was allowed. It is a topic of discussion at the majority of our club meetings.
i'll put my hand up for interest...if it helps yous get a track..
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Thanks for showing your interest guys. The missus and myself are looking into seting up a club in the area to try and push this alittle harder and make us look alittle more official
We have a mini motard event, be it practice or race meet, once a month at the Gladstone Kart Track. You are welcome to come up and have a run if you are interested. check out :: CQ Mini Moto :: for event details. Good Luck with getting your local track up and running.

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