stitches... again lol

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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lol was stuffing around with a few of my mates yesterday, like on his dad's property, its huge, n we were riding around on 50's being tools n hitting each other, pushing each other down hills n shit, all got hurt heaps lol.

spent a few hours last night in hospital getting stitches and x-rays and having doctors tell me how stupid i am for doing it:D was heaps of fun... got 16-19 stitches in my foot (can't remember exactly how many) and shit loads of them in my back, hurt like F**K cos i'm immune to anesthetic, it doesn't work on me, and fractured i think 5 or 6 bones in my foot, and random cuts everywhere on my face and arms and legs. have to walk on crutches for a few days, feels so stupid lol. was fun though...

lol sorry just felt like tellin ppl.
aha we do something different on the bigger bikes... we dont get hurt as much! away we ride around roosting each other as much as we can... the less gear you have the funner it is because you get pelted by dirt :p
Zac n Skotty (the 2 mates i was with) only got a few stitches, i'm the only 1 who broke bones lol. lol doctors are so sexist, they're like oh i see guys come in here all the time because of things like this, but a girl... they haven't met any decent chicks then :p
hahahah sounds like u had a good time... got any pics of the carnage?

it doesnt hurt when it happens when ur having fun.. lol i have got scars all over my from random fun stuff like that..

good to see a gal getting into it aswell.. well done to ya...
ALL of my scars fade! i've had at least 20 stitches so far, not including these, and no scars!!! lol will try and find the usb cable for skotty's camera, we took some awesome pics, lol and a vid of them picking me up and throwing me down a hill LOL

lol we need to fix 2 of skotty's bikes and zac's is stuffed lol
lol, they need to do the riding though, i ride better than just about every guy i know, lol, but most of them ride like shit anyway LOL

i'm gonna be in SOOOOOOOOOO much trouble when mum gets home, i stayed the night at skotty's and told mum that i go hurt a bit, but she'll freak when she see's a have stitches and crutches LOL
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bah... talk yourself up

ahaha i forgot you were a chick my bad! not bad seeing a girl getting dirty and hurt... cool! have fun with crutches

p/s the others want pictures so they can have a perve i think
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im not up myself, i didn't mean it like that! lol

i don't care if they perve, they're most likely never going to see me anyway, if they go any further than looking then i'll get pissed!
hhaha unlucky mintard. sounds like fun, and painful. i have had my few shares of accidents too :D. sick of hospitals.

good finds crazzy your loving youtube at the moment :)
mini chaos is one of the best moto vids i've seen in ages
back to grass roots i say
back yard 2 witches hats and a beer table lats man standing now thats what i call a party
but i'm older than you kiddo and though it doesn't hurt at the time (hence the beer table) it shore does the next day
but it's good to see you getting into it
but tell them pretty boys scot and zac to man up and look after you better
he he he

p.s through that pic up keep the boys happy
ha h ah ah ah aha ah bloody deviates
coolmodee01... you sound like my brother! he freaked when he saw me on crutches lol. I don't want them to even try and look after me, it's more fun when they don't! lol

all fun and games till someone gets hurt... then its hilarious... lol so true
hey, this is skotty, one of the guys Gen was riding with yesterday... lol just so you know, we're not total assholes who beat up on chicks lol, we always do this stuff, and gen fights back just as hard! lol!

i have 12 stitches in my leg and 8 in my arm, and zac's got HEAPS on his legs LOL

she is like the coolest chick here, all the other chicks here are girly girls and are scared of gettin down n dirty! lol... but yeah, just wanted to let everyone know we are just kidding and we do look out for her

Cheers... skotty!
hey skotty, my missus had a big stack on my Z50 and now she wants a pitty to race against me:p
she aint no girly girl lol
but good to see yas not goin easy on a chick just cause shes a chick
i personally hate it when guys do that, like go soft 'just because she's a chick' lol gen hits harder than us sometimes! lol its awesome though, we just treat gen like one of the guys and she loves it! she takes a punch bloody well too!!! lol
