Swearing in posts

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
I am getting quite sick of seeing all the swearing in peoples posts. In case everyone has forgotten there are kids on this site with parents that would quite quickly stop them coming here if they saw the language being used by some members and frankly i wouldn't blame them. So from this point on i will be starting on incremental banning for use of the 'F' or 'C' words as well as abusing other members. Starting with a one week ban for the next person i catch it will go up by a week for each consecutive person i catch by another week. The bannings will continue until language improves.
Self censoring will be allowed in cases where no other word will suffice ie: f###, c### but i am sure we all have enough intelligence to find alternatives. If not, buy a thesaurus.
Thank you to all who make an effort and to those who dont have fun on your bans.
Next Ban (posting): 4 weeks
(chatbox): 3 weeks
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Well said custom!!

The swearing isn't needed. Im sure majority of ppl here are educated enough to use their words wisely...
custom your right!!

no more swearing

homo isnt a bad word tho :)
Im sure majority of ppl here are educated enough to use their words wisely...

wow dude u dont know alot of ppl on this site then XD
ive added the time for the next ban to the first post so everyone knows where im up to (and so i dont forget:p)
dont mean to be so blunt

but if we catch peeople flameing people and threads being taken over i think we will just delete the whole thing
so everyone suffers for the few that do wrong

i must admit it comes in waves were good for a while but we get complacent and start letting things slip
so when mods start deleteing good threads because they get taken over it will have consequences for us all

start showing a bit of respect for each other where all riders so if we where all to show up to ride together we would all be best mates so why cant we do the same here?

umm, im kinda confused, is the c word the one that ends in "P" and has "RA" in the middle, cuz that isnt a real bad word, but i can understand that other f and c words, if the c one can also be spelt with a "K", am i confusing u yet lol
i think he means the C word as in the one ending in T that word just seems rude no matter what situation you use it , and i don't ever feel the urge to say the F word on here , only Sh** :) and of course crap
Im glad to see a bit of humor happening here and not screams of fury lol. Basically keep it PG and everyone will be happy.
DDR: Incremental ie: going up in increments. Thesaurus: a book that has alternative words for most words in the english language.
If in doubt grab a dictionary.
Dictionary: a book of definitions/meanings for words :D
ow and theirs ladies on this site as well so i wouldnt say the c word anyway
Im thinking we should stop swearing in the chat box to, under the same system, will be harder to police but i have seen a few of our younger members using the chatbox so we should take the same care with it.
Whos with me on this?
although the chatbox would be hard to police I totaly agree with you Custom young kids dont need to see that (also sometimes it can be quite ofensive to women).
You could try randomly checking and dealing with any breaches you see appropriatly some may get away with it but the message would soon be understood.


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