The bug never ends

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
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Ill tell you what, the bug for chinas really doesnt end, ive collected my fair share of china bikes over the last 5 odd years, for the last year and half ive been working my ass off and really have neglected my bikes, but i can never just let them go. Even with my absence of riding i could never go a week without checking up on this site, and from the change ive seen my lord chinas are improving from the first batchs that roamed the streets.. but needless to say theres just something about them, i can afford a jap bike no problems but i honestly do just love the man love hours these bikes bring to a group of mates with fixing, riding etc.. this thread really has no value at all, just showing my appreciation i have for these things, its not the quality, its the quality time these pieces of machinery bring to homies... peace
well said man, well said, it is soo true and we learn so much and have great times improvising with mates and also getting away with being stupid so cheaply!
Well said mate.

That's why we are all here. To share that same passion and have good times with mates messing around with bikes. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Signed up in Dec 06, heading towards OG status mate. ;)
well said indeed ...especially doing silly things and getting off cheap.
Yeah im the same Ive had my bike for a while, and i swear i will never sell it. Its my first bike and you know how you get attached to it, the more time i spend with the bike the more i love it. Its a bond. haha
haha yea, but jono you've come close to selling it, but i think i'v been able to change that yea? ;)
also riding with other mini's apart from just riding with big jap trying to chatch up is the best feeling ever.
thats it hey.. i remember i had to work my ass off for a couple of weeks.. was so keen on getting an atomik coz they looked like the ****.. then i got on here and they are classed as "one of the ****test" haha so i ended up sucking it up working more and getting my dhz 140.. couldn't be happier.. great time learning how to's etc.. love it.. +reps mate
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everyone sitting around telling there stories...I LOVE IT!

Also +reps mate
Nah i wasnt sure if i wanted to sell, i just wanted money to buy a new bike.

Yeah man i use to ride with guys that rode 250 race bikes and i was always the one getting roosted on, Its fun for a while then your just like ok, now i want to go faster. :)

Its heaps of fun when you and your mate/s are all riding minis.
yea.. but i guess there have been times when your like, i really wish this could go faster... but funny things start to happen then ;) jono might remember...
I live litrally down the road from DHZ, ive got all the tools and means to get right down and dirty in this game, most threads i read are outta state related, sucks, we need to get a decent mini scene cranking in sydney.. even if it means getting out to the sticks to ride.... and i didnt realize ive been a member since late 2006... its been awhile"

man things have changed, i remember i didnt even understand the workings of changing the most simple of tasks with bikes, hence why i became a member.. love it
Nah i wasnt sure if i wanted to sell, i just wanted money to buy a new bike.

Yeah man i use to ride with guys that rode 250 race bikes and i was always the one getting roosted on, Its fun for a while then your just like ok, now i want to go faster. :)

Its heaps of fun when you and your mate/s are all riding minis.

theres a big difference between minis
Its heaps good riding with big bikes and staying in front!
take the 250s to a track that suits you?
its not the size its how you do it!
so very true minifighter LOL just like campfire stories.... I too must say that I love my china.... even though its China it still:

gives me endless hours of fun...
runs as good as ever...
teaches me small things once in a while.... ( like dont use a sticky throttle cable at a track or you get the road rash LOL )

but in the end when i bring it home and i park it in the garage.... I DONT WANNA LEAVE THE GARAGE !!! my baby has to live on its own already and i never got to watch it grow up basically LOL

you guys aswell, your all like family to me even if i cant come to the down under and go for a ride... I still feel at home here just because how friendly this community is... If someone has a question its gets an answer pretty quick around here.... and thats something to cherish aswell considering some Tech out there would charge yah $ just for advice ! ( i.e. dont take your bike to a shop unless all else failed.... GO TO MINI-RIDERS FIRST!!! )

also love how you guys motivate people into trying things aswell.... picking up a wrench for some people is scary and they get worried they cant do the work themselves.... with a little push from Sean01, DvDRip (ride on DvD ), uncle thumpy..... people grabbed wrenches like it was a new fashion statement ! LOL and thats what i like to see !!!! CONFIDENCE !!!! with the confidence you all embed into the community, WE WILL ONLY GROW STRONGER !!!

not homo.... But I love you guys for all the support and help that you give

Ride on Mini-Riders..... lap the japs ;)

2 wheels 1 love ;)

- Addict
all of the above is so true... also a good way to make your wallet a heck of alot lighter but its all good...

eh try running a big bike for a couple of years

that wont just lighten ya wallet it will have to start hocking it's ass just to brake even!!!!

pitties rules

**** we rule

he he he
^^^ yeh man tell me about it, i don't dare add up in my head how much the big bikes have cost to run over time... I just pretend it never happened haha!!

Even the pitties add up with mods and maintenance but hey thats not what it's all about...

It's about having the absolute best fun in the world!

oh yih!
Nah i wasnt sure if i wanted to sell, i just wanted money to buy a new bike.

Yeah man i use to ride with guys that rode 250 race bikes and i was always the one getting roosted on, Its fun for a while then your just like ok, now i want to go faster. :)

Its heaps of fun when you and your mate/s are all riding minis.

theres a big difference between minis
Its heaps good riding with big bikes and staying in front!
take the 250s to a track that suits you?
its not the size its how you do it!

Yeah thats true,
Most of most of the time we just, cruise around and do our own thing.
But its would be nice to go a bit faster when im riding with bigger bikes, so when they ride faster i can keep up.

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