This Weekend 17/18th July

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2008
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East Doncaster, Melbourne
Once again I'm sussing where people are planning to ride this weekend.

I'm tempted for Franga but Ride Day is at Franga the week after...

Post away riders
Myself Grnman and Krazed may be going to South Morang on Sunday for a bit of motard action.
thought i would throw it up in here does anyone know if Wyndham/laverton mx track is open? i have heard a few stories about it and was planning on checking it out this weekend. any info would be good. cheers
I've heard of Laverton MX track but not of anyone here riding there. I'm also interested.

I'll be riding the Sunday provided the weather holds off. Stupid TAFE ruin my saturday :|
Hey yeah I knew someone that rode laverton and he was fussy and he said it was alright. I wish I wasn't working because I'd so go out with ya to laverton! Maybe next months ride day could be there if you guys suss it out and reckon it's alright.
Myself Grnman and Krazed may be going to South Morang on Sunday for a bit of motard action.

That reminds me... OKO tuning this time!

I have another hectic party on Sat night that I can't miss but I'm gonna suck it up for Sunday (even if I don't sleep at all and I'm still drunk)... I wanna see how this OKO goes. Time to see if I can get the CST's to let go :D
That reminds me... OKO tuning this time!

I have another hectic party on Sat night that I can't miss but I'm gonna suck it up for Sunday (even if I don't sleep at all and I'm still drunk)... I wanna see how this OKO goes. Time to see if I can get the CST's to let go :D

All right, I'll book you in, I just got back from Dave's place to finish up a couple of things on his bike, now we just have to work on him a bit more for Sunday.

And Trav, if you want to have a go at motard, come up on Sunday and I'll give you a shot at my bike, cost you $5 to register as a second rider, Same goes for anyone else.
lavo is real small n i wouldnt really bother with it...ive never actually ridden, just went along while a mate rode n he said its nothin special
ha ha shut up motard people... we want dirt.. plus my rx aint running ;p umm every track i will give a chance.. have u got more info nemo.. like is there a big bike track, small track... kiddie track.. any info?
Yeah at lavo there is a oval shaped flat track (kids only) then there is a "kids track" but i have seen guys on there on minis. Its got a few real small berms and a small mound shaped jump or 2.

Then there's the MX track, which i would not recommend riding on a mini as the ruts are pretty deep and its a pretty rough tight track suited to big bores and 2smokes, the longest straight section would be no more than 50 metres with 2 jumps around the 15 foot mark.

If you are keen on checking it out give the track phone a call before you leave the house, if they don't pick up dont bother making your way down there it wont be open

Whyndam/Laverton MX Track Phone: 0421-187-757

Ive been down there 3-4 times in recent months and they've been closed every time due to crap conditions.
Any Perth people going out this weekend.. Saturday or Sunday.. and where ya going..?
ha ha shut up motard people... we want dirt.. plus my rx aint running ;p umm every track i will give a chance.. have u got more info nemo.. like is there a big bike track, small track... kiddie track.. any info?

they've got a big track and kiddie track...the big track isnt that big tho, nothin like parwan or broady....i think the kiddie track is real basic just for kids to learn on from wat i can remember...was a long time ago lol
Track Type: Motocross
Location: Cummings Road, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria
Website: Bacchus Marsh Motocross Club Inc

Track Type: Motocross
Location: 395 Parwon South Rd, Parwan, VIC 3340
Contact: Ph (03) 5369 5266

Track Type: Four motocross tracks for beginners to advanced
Location: 30 minutes north of Melbourne in Campbellfield

Track Type: Junior and senior MX tracks
Location: Old wells Rd. Seaford. Melways p97, J11
Website: Frankston MX

Track Type: Main MX track and a beginners
Location: 112 Colchester Road, Bayswater North VIC 3153

Track Type: Motocross track - clay/loam surface with lots of jumps and whoops and a mini bike circuit
Location: Approximately 28km north of Heathcote on the Northern Highway (B75), 1km north of the Toolleen Hotel on the Toolleen Angle Rd/Muskerry East Rd
Website: Home page

Track Type: Motocross
Location: Cnr Burwood Highway & Morack Road, Vermont South, Melbourne
Open: Saturday's 9.30am - 4.30pm
Website: Home - Nunawading & District MX Club

Track Type: Three sand based motocross tracks
Location: Long Point Rd, Cape Schanck Victoria
Website: RDMC

Track Type: Club - Excellent Motocross track
Location: Haines Road, Barrabool Victoria Melway Ref: 611 D7
Website: Sporting Motorcycle Club Geelong

Track Type: Various dirt tracks including MX, SX and Enduro area
Location: 280 Strath Creek Road, Broadford
Website: Motorcycling Victoria: Home

Track Type: Three motocross track for beginners to advanced
Location: Lawrie Emmins Reserve on Old Geelong Rd, Laverton
Website: wyndham-motox - new website coming at
ha ha shut up motard people... we want dirt...

Motard riders are people too :(

Lol, get the RX running... I'll be hitting some dirt eventually too :)

All right, I'll book you in, I just got back from Dave's place to finish up a couple of things on his bike, now we just have to work on him a bit more for Sunday.

And Trav, if you want to have a go at motard, come up on Sunday and I'll give you a shot at my bike, cost you $5 to register as a second rider, Same goes for anyone else.

Sweet... I should be good to go by the weekend, it was a major squeeze getting the OKO in; I'm beginning to think I should of perhaps gone for a larger framed bike :p

I'll second that Barnes, anyone wanting to give Motard a try is welcome to jump on my bike for some laps :)

Dave, if you are reading this I expect to see you there!
thanks for all the responses on my lavo mx track question. I think i might head there on Saturday and have a look for myself. Will be on the rm so with a bit of luck it will be good. i did find a youtube helmet cam vid of the main track

YouTube - lavo
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mxgirl do you know which of those tracks you don't need to be a member of just pay and ride on the day?

Track Type: Motocross track - clay/loam surface with lots of jumps and whoops and a mini bike circuit
Location: Approximately 28km north of Heathcote on the Northern Highway (B75), 1km north of the Toolleen Hotel on the Toolleen Angle Rd/Muskerry East Rd
Website: Home page

hmmm i thought muskerry closed down??
I know the baccus marsh track on cummings road is a private track. The one on parwan road (Parwan track is open to anyone with $25)

And wyndham is open occasionally to anyone for $20 per rider But i cannot urge you to call the track phone before 10am on the day, as they have been closed a lot of the times i have gone there.

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